Chapter 276
Before he could get more entangled, Wen Qixing said again: "The house provided by your unit is enough for your family to live in, and the things in the old house can be moved out in the future."


When Wen Yun heard this, he couldn't help but knelt down again: "Dad, Yun'er, Yun'er was raised by you, and you gave him the name Yun'er."

"Yun'er has been by your side since birth, and never thought that she is not your own."

"Dad, you have raised your son, but the son has not been filial to you, so the son is reluctant to part with you."

"Please give my son another chance. My son will prove with his actions that he is a Wen family by birth and a ghost of the Wen family by death."

"No need."

He made Wen Qixing's remaining little affection disappear in this way, "The child of my Wen family who was replaced by your parents back then has now been found."

"We have to bring her back."

"You can't make that child feel uncomfortable because of your existence, can do it yourself."

His current status was obtained by his parents at risk. After learning what happened to them, not only did he not plead for mercy, he even had no intention of visiting him, which made people feel chilling.

"Aunt Zhen, you still have a lot to learn."

Wen Sirui laughed and said, "Aunt Nian not only taught us this song, but also others."

Even if he pleads, it may not be useful, but at least it proves that this child is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness.

"Dad. I...I..."

When Wen Zhenzhen saw her father and brother like this, she also understood that this person would no longer be from the Wen family.

"it is good."

Wen Qixing kicked the man away, "Yuaner, pack up his things for him and ask someone to move all his things back."

The Wen family has cultivated and cultivated those who are kind and righteous for so many years. If the Wen family encounters any difficulties in the future, he will still be able to lend a hand to help.

The man's face was covered with tears and snot, not to mention how embarrassing he was.

"Really, that aunt has to learn, and she is not allowed to hide her secrets."

Liu Yufei also stood up with a smile: "Dad, I'll take care of my grandparents and rest first."

"Please, Dad."

But looking at it now, it really is...

The aunts and nephews laughed and left the hall.

Although the child in front of him grew up in the Wen family, he did not inherit the love and righteousness of the Wen family. Instead, he learned all the egoism outside.

If Wenyun could leave calmly and silently, he would give him a high regard.

But judging by his performance at the moment, Wen Qixing's hope for this child disappeared in an instant.

Shaking his head, Wen Zhengyuan quickly left the hall.

So he pulled his nephew and niece to stand up: "Go, teach my aunt to sing that song, my aunt has to learn to amaze those colleagues."


Wen Zhengyuan took a deep look at the brother of more than 30 years, and got up to make arrangements without saying anything.


Looking at him now, I finally know one thing - no matter how good an education is, it can't teach a crooked seed.

Wen Yun grabbed his father's trouser leg, "I am your son, I am the son you watched grow up, you can't treat me like this."

Even if his biological parents never took care of him for a day, it was for his own good.

I used to think that although this brother does not seek to make progress, he can generally see the past.

To be honest, Wenyun had made his own choice earlier, he hoped that the child would plead for his biological parents to some extent, and then expressed his desire to go back and visit his biological parents and sisters.

Wen Qixing nodded, and soon only Wen Qixing and Wen Yun were left in the hall.

No, maybe he should be called Deng Wenyun in the future.

He slumped on the floor like a puddle of mud, and looked at the tall figure in front of him with the last glimmer of hope: "Dad, are you really so heartless?"


(End of this chapter)

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