Chapter 110

Xie Yijing's fist hardened.

After holding back for a while, I slowly exhaled "no"

"Then why is it so stinky?" Yun Xianghou supported his body with his hands and wanted to change places, but he didn't want his hands to press on a soft place, which was still sticky.

The stench that hit the face became more intense.

"Ouch~" Yun Xianghou retched, "This is shit!"

The corners of Xie Yijing's mouth curled up slightly, looking at the back of Yun Xianghou going away, he gave a low laugh twice.

It's just that Yunxianghou went out for one night, and Xie Yijing didn't see Yunxianghou come back until dawn.

Can't help frowning slightly.

He wasn't worried about Yun Xianghou, he was afraid that Yun Xianghou would give him a trick to come back.

Until dawn, Xie Yijing did not see Marquis Yun Xiang come back. Xie Yijing took a group of beggars back to the inn, and he thought that Marquis Yun Xiang might have gone back.

When the shop waiter saw a bunch of beggars in front of the door, he was dumbfounded.

"Guest officer, you..." How do you ask them to do business?With so many beggars coming in, it is estimated that no one would like to stay here.

"If they don't go in, just go find a stable and drive these people in," Xie Yijing said, throwing the rope in his hand to the waiter.

Anyway, these people were all drugged by him, and it was impossible for them to escape. Even if someone let them go, they would not have the strength to run away.

The waiter looked at the rope in his hand and his eyes flickered, but he quickly returned to normal, "Okay, guest officer"

Sitting in the lobby early in the morning, Mo Yidao looked at the beggars in Xie Yijing's hands, and felt unreal, so many people were filled in one night?

His eyes followed Xie Yijing up the stairs before returning to his senses, looking outside the door, he didn't know where Chu Jinyi had gone, and he couldn't see anyone early in the morning.

If I really miss Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come.

"Brother Chu, what did you do this early in the morning?" Mo Yidao looked at Chu Jinyi and asked.

"This..." Chu Jinyi was holding a food box in his hand.

"This is..." Mo Yidao looked at the food box in Chu Jinyi's hand, his eyes lit up, and he already guessed it.

This must be fatty intestines.

Fat intestines are very smelly, so no one would eat them.

Only Chu Jinyi could cook and eat.

At first he disliked it, but after taking a sip, he realized the fragrance inside, and since then he has fallen in love with the taste.

So this guy went out early in the morning to make this?
"Take it here and taste it!" Mo Yidao stood up and waved to Chu Jinyi.

Chu Jinyi smiled slightly, and walked over with the food box.

Upstairs, Xie Yijing went to Yunxianghou's room but did not find Yunxianghou, and went back to his own room and there was no Yunxianghou.

The brows were only slightly furrowed and then loosened.

He wasn't worried that something would happen to Marquis Yunxiang.

Turning around, he went out to ask for some food, glanced at Yun Zhili's room, and went back to his own room.

"There's another move over there, and another corpse appeared last night." Xie Yijing had just entered the room when he heard voices from downstairs.

Footsteps paused.

Could it be that Yun Xianghou's failure to return overnight has something to do with the corpse last night?
"Really? Then let's go and have a look." Hearing what Chu Jinyi said, Mo Yidao was excited to check it out.

"It's useless, there is no clue at all." Chu Jinyi stretched out his hand to motion him to sit down and said slowly.

"Have you seen it?" Mo Yidao looked at Chu Jinyi and asked.

From his point of view, he was a rough man who couldn't compare to Chu Jinyi's carefulness in anything he did. After hearing Chu Jinyi's words, he stopped cooking.

If even Chu Jinyi couldn't see anything, then he probably couldn't either.

"There is only one footprint on the waist," Chu Jinyi said while eating.

"Could it be that those people have been drugged?" Mo Yidao thought while eating.

"I can't see it." Chu Jinyi shook his head again, and the flesh of his mouth paused for a moment, as if he couldn't figure it out.

Upstairs, Yun Zhili had just finished dealing with Xiaoran and Huohu, when he heard someone knocking on the window. There was no one who knocked on the window so blatantly except Mu Zihang.

Xie Yijing would usually come in directly.

As for the others, it is even more sneaky.

"Why are you here?" Yun Zhili opened the window and looked at Mu Zihang and asked.

"Last night, another corpse appeared on the street." Mu Zihang's eyes were cautious, and now he can't contact Chou Sha and Wu Sha, so he can only ask the eldest lady to analyze it.

"Where is that person now?" Yun Zhili asked immediately after hearing the words.

"In the county government office, but I saw it at the scene. Except for a footprint on the left waist of the deceased, there was no other trace. I started to search in the town, and finally found some traces of fighting in the woods outside the town. And this piece of clothes." Mu Zihang took out the piece of clothes and showed it to Yun Zhili.

Yun Zhili looked at the color of the corner of his clothes, and soon thought of Xie Yijing.

Because the beggar's clothes are of that kind of earth gray, and they are also very dirty. At first glance, they are not the clothes worn by assassins or killers.

Yun Zhili was a little worried about Xie Yijing, "Can you get in touch with Chou Sha and Wu Sha?"

"No." Mu Zihang shook his head. He tried to contact the hidden guards who followed Wu Sha and the others, but there was no news.

This worried him a little.

"After dinner, I'll go out with you to have a look." Yun Zhili put away the cloth and said to Mu Zihang.

"Miss, is your meal delivered?" Mu Zihang looked at Yun Zhili and asked.

"Give it up." Yun Zhili looked back at Huohuhu, he couldn't let Huohuhu go out to find food all the time.

will be discovered.

"Okay." Mu Zihang replied and left.

Yun Zhili went out from the window and went directly to Xie Yijing's room.

At this moment Xie Yijing was taking a bath.

Yun Zhili "..." The last time I saw this scene was the last time.

Xie Yijing "..." Looking at the little woman's straight eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Why didn't I meet Yun Zhili when he was taking a bath?

"Nosebleed" Xie Yijing kindly reminded Yun Zhili.

Yun Zhili came back to his senses, and hurriedly covered his nose.

But no, he glared at Xie Yijing, then turned around.

"Did you meet the murderer last night?" Yun Zhili asked Xie Yijing with his back turned to Xie Yijing.

When he saw Xie Yijing just now, his face was rosy, and his chest was not injured, so he should be fine.

"No." Xie Yijing frowned slightly.

"The people over there found this. It's not yours. Is that someone who was traveling with you?" Yun Zhili showed Xie Yijing the beggar's clothes.

Seeing that piece of cloth, Xie Yijing instantly recognized it, "Where did you find it?"

"In the woods outside the town." Just as Yun Zhili finished speaking, he felt someone approaching, turned around quickly, and threw himself into Xie Yijing's arms.

The other party was only wearing a thin obscene garment, and a large part of his chest was still exposed.

Yun Zhili just kissed the other person's chest so that he could not die.

"Cough, I'll hurt you when things end." Xie Yijing's voice was a little hoarse, and he lifted Yun Zhili out.

Yun Zhili's face turned red in an instant, and he said it as if she was greedy for him, but he added in a very unpromising way in his heart: It seems that he is indeed in good shape.

But can you stop carrying her like this?
Anyway, she is also 1.6 meters eight, why is she so short when she comes to him?
(End of this chapter)

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