"You found it outside the town? Where exactly?" Xie Yijing felt that he still had to think about his father-in-law.

After all, the daughter doesn't care about her father, but the son-in-law still needs to care about her.

"The forest to the east is close to the stream and river," Yun Zhili said.

"Okay, I see. I'll check it later, so don't go," Xie Yijing said to Yun Zhili.

"Well, then be careful." Yun Zhili nodded.

Xie Yijing was about to give Yun Zhili a hug when he heard the words, but Yun Zhili turned and left directly.

snort!She is not lewd!She had no choice but to make money!
Looking at the stingy woman, Xie Yijing's eyes twitched, and finally love flashed in his eyes.

After Yun Zhili returned, Mu Zihang was also in the room, and the food was served.

"Miss, you scared me to death." Mu Zihang watched Yun Zhili come back and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I went out to explain some things. We won't go outside the town for a while, but go directly to the magistrate's mansion." Yun Zhili closed the window and said to Mu Zihang.

"Okay" Mu Zihang saw that Yun Zhili had already made up his mind, so he agreed.

In the backyard of the inn, the waiter untied the ropes one by one for the beggars, but none of them moved.

"What are you doing? Why don't you leave quickly?" The waiter frowned and said anxiously.

The people on the ground remained motionless.

The waiter had no choice but to drag them.

Unexpectedly, just after pulling someone, that person grinned at the waiter.

The waiter was so frightened that he quickly let go of the man.

"Are you guys poisoned?" The waiter saw that the man's face turned black just now, and immediately thought of it.

The man didn't answer the waiter, but he already understood.

No wonder that guy threw these people to him so happily, it turned out that it was because of drugging.

What a mean thing.

No, he has to go to the adults later to see if there is any antidote from the adults that can undo the poison on these people.

Moreover, these people's martial arts are so high, and there are so many people, they can't even catch an individual.

No, there is one person missing today, maybe that person has already been arrested.

Then wait until tonight, this person should also be taken away.

The waiter tied up these people again, and then left.

"What's the matter?" Inside the room, Bai Yiran couldn't help asking as she watched Mu Qianxun staring at a certain place and wondered what she was thinking.

"Another person died in the town last night." Mu Qianxun looked at Bai Yiran and said.

He was wondering who gave the order?
Obviously they have stopped those people from disturbing the people in the town, why would people die?

Could it be that person conveyed some orders here again?


Mu Qianxun glanced at Bai Yiran, he was afraid that those people would find out that Bai Yiran's identity was fake.

It will be detrimental to Bai Yiran.

"You said those people saw through my identity?" Bai Yiran understood what Mu Qianxun meant.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out," Mu Qianxun said to Bai Yiran.

"Then what shall we do?" Bai Yiran was also worried.

"It's okay, I'll go back and have a look today, you stay here, if you have anything to do, go to the Tianzi guest room to find the people in it," Mu Qianxun said to Bai Yiran.

"Isn't that where the beggar lived?" Bai Yiran thought that the room was the beggar's room.

"That's Xie Yijing," Mu Qianxun said to Bai Yiran.

"Xie Yijing?" Bai Yiran's eyes widened.

"Yes, if you have anything, you can discuss it with him." Mu Qianxun reached out and hugged Bai Yiran.

"Okay, I understand, you have to be careful yourself," Bai Yiran said to Mu Qianxun.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Mu Qianxun sat on a chair beside her with her legs crossed, while Bai Yiran sat calmly at the table, practicing calligraphy with a brush.

"My lord, those two beggars arrested many of us, and I wanted to release them just now, but found that they seemed to be poisoned. I don't know if my lord can solve it?" The waiter came up to report.

"Oh? Poisoned?" Mu Qianxun supported her chin, with a hint of interest in her eyes.

"Yes, you go down first, I will check it out at night." Mu Qianxun waved her hand and let the other party go down.

As soon as the waiter went down, someone knocked on the window.

Mu Qianxun noticed that someone was coming, so she asked Bai Yiran to stand a little further away, and then opened the window.

"Subordinates refer to the lord." The purple-faced man came to Bai Yiran and knelt down.

Mu Qianxun pulled into the distance with Bai Yiran calmly.

As long as this man wants to touch Bai Yiran, he will rush over to protect Bai Yiran.

"But something?" Bai Yiran looked at the purple-faced man and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid there is an inner ghost in our cabinet, and someone imitated our method to kill people." The eyes of the purple-faced man are all cautious.

"So you didn't kill the person last night?" Bai Yiran squinted at the man on the ground and asked.

"No," the purple-faced man said affirmatively.

Bai Yiran and Mu Qianxun looked at each other and did not speak for a long time.

"Those people in the dark prison have some problems, please return to the small courtyard to take charge of the overall situation." The purple-faced man looked at Bai Yiran and hesitated for a moment and said.

"How about those people?" Bai Yiran didn't wrinkle slightly.

"Those living dead held in the dark prison suddenly rioted for some reason. They seemed to be in pain for a while, crazy for a while, and like real dead bodies for a while." The purple-faced man said what happened in the past two days.

Bai Yiran and Mu Qianxun looked at each other, and then said to the purple-faced man, "Go back!"

Several people quickly left from the window.

dark cell

Zhai Shaopeng and Xu Shenglong shivered and hid in the corner of the cage.

"These people are terrible." Xu Shenglong's voice trembled with fear in his eyes.

"Why is there a riot?" Zhai Shaopeng said and wanted to squeeze into the wall, looking like he wanted to get into the wall.

Zhai Shaopeng communicated with Xu Shenglong with his eyes: what are you doing with so much medicine?After a while, these people opened the iron cage, and you are here to see it.

Xu Shenglong also didn't expect it, and his eyes flashed with embarrassment: Didn't I also not expect that the medicine given by the lady is so effective, and aren't these people all controlled by Gu insects?How could it still be affected by poison?

Zhai Shaopeng snorted coldly with his eyes: If he can't go back and see his wife this time, even if he goes down, he will fight hard with him.

Xu Shenglong stared: Not only do you have a wife, but I also have one!
The two stared blankly for a long time before they heard someone coming in from outside.

Bai Yiran also put on a mask when she came in this time.

After all, there are still a few living people here, and they cannot be allowed to see Bai Yiran's true face, otherwise it will be detrimental to Bai Yiran in the future.

As soon as the silver mask was put on, he immediately had the aura of a lord.

This instantly made the purple-faced man and the black-faced man feel that this is the Lord!

That's how they honor the Lord.

Just in case, Mu Qianxun asked Bai Yiran to bring a mandarin duck axe.

Before walking in, the roaring voices of the living dead were already heard.

And the screams of only a few living people in the dark prison.

"Master, master, wake up, wake up quickly, don't scare this old slave..."

As soon as they entered, they heard a deafening sound. Qi Qi looked at the cell beside him, where a big old man was holding another and crying.

The man must have fainted from fright.

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