The son of the world chasing his wife is all a trap

Chapter 112 Breaking into the County Magistrate's Mansion

Mu Qianxun wasn't looking at them, she just skipped over them to look at the living dead inside the cages.

All of them had red eye sockets and protruding eyeballs, which was very scary.

Mu Qianxun subconsciously looked at Bai Yiran, for fear that such a scene would scare her.

But seeing that although there was some fear in Bai Yiran's eyes, it just passed by in a flash, and I was a little surprised, this girl has so much courage now?

"These are iron cages made of black iron, they won't rush out," the purple-faced man introduced.

Hearing this, Bai Yiran dared to get closer to observe the living dead.

I saw once before that these living dead were just asking for medicine, but now some of these living dead are still lying on the ground, looking completely dead.

Mu Qianxun's eyes scanned the surroundings, not letting go of the slightest thing on the ground.

No abnormality was found at all.

Bai Yiran looked at the miserable appearance of the living dead. After watching for too long, she was still a little creepy, so she couldn't help turning her head to the side, but saw that there was a straw mat on the inside of the cage closest to the door. There must be something in a cage, but there is a little white thing under the straw mattress of these two people.

Bai Yiran took another look, then moved her eyes away.

magistrate's office

Yun Zhili sneaked in quietly with Mu Zihang.

"Have you heard that the corpse brought back this morning was originally placed in the morgue, but someone found it in the garden?"

"Yes, I heard that the man came back from the dead."

"Really, isn't this too scary?"

"But now it seems that he is dead again, and has been put in the mortuary."

"Stop talking, it sounds scary in broad daylight"


The two listened to the conversation of a few soldiers in the dark, frowning slightly.

It seems that those people really made a move again.

It's just that if the corpse is not dealt with, the entire county magistrate's mansion may fall.

"Say! Where is the morgue?" Mu Zihang caught a man and dragged him to a dark place to ask.

"Yes, it's in the corpse yard to the north," Xiaobing said tremblingly.

Then he was knocked unconscious by Mu Zihang's palm.

After returning, he nodded to Yun Zhili, and the two went to the small courtyard in the north.


"No! Don't come here!"


Before the two of them entered the small courtyard, they heard the panic in the small courtyard, and accompanied by that human-yet-inhuman roar, Yun Zhili said badly to himself, and hurriedly jumped into the small courtyard.

It's a pity that they came a step too late, and all the people in the small courtyard were bitten to death by the living dead.

The living dead suddenly turned around to look at Yun Zhili and Mu Zihang, as if smelling some delicious food, he jumped on it.

"Miss, be careful!" Mu Zihang stepped forward and kicked the living dead away.

"Stand aside first, let me try." Yun Zhili was still a little scared in his heart.

There are many dead bodies seen in previous lives, but this kind of dead and alive appearance is really creepy.

Yun Zhili took out a small bottle from his bosom, which contained something that Mu Zihang and others had bumped into their purses earlier.

She wondered if the living dead were made by that person.

When the undead approached again, Yun Zhili directly sprinkled some potion on the undead, and the roar of the undead became louder.

There was a starlight in Yun Zhili's eyes, it was useful.

It turned out to be the same person?
But before Yun Zhili was too happy, he saw the other party rushing towards Yun Zhili again.

Yun Zhili subconsciously kicked the man away.

With just one kick, the man fell to the ground and never got up again.

"Miss, was this kicked to death by you? Or was it poisoned to death by the potion in your hand?" Mu Zihang walked over in surprise, not forgetting to glance at Yun Zhili, and then asked the living dead on the ground.

Miss's medicine can deal with the living dead now?
Didn't it mean that this person is full of Gu insects?
Gu worms are also afraid of these poisons?
Yun Zhili didn't answer Mu Zihang's words, but walked towards the living dead slowly, not sure that the living dead died just like that.

Even if there is Fang Linshan's blood, it is just to restrain these living dead from approaching. As for death, that is not realistic.

"This is the Fire Dead!" Mu Zihang squatted directly in front of the living dead, looked at the living dead, and wanted to reach out to touch the living dead.

"Don't touch it!" Yun Zhili yelled immediately, Mu Zihang shrank his hands in fright, and looked at Yun Zhili carefully, did he get in the way of the eldest lady?

"Get out of the way!" Yun Zhili kicked Mu Zihang away, and then stomped the living dead with his feet.

The living dead actually came back to life again. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Yun Zhili's leg. His slender nails grabbed Yun Zhili's leg, and immediately his clothes were ruined.

Yun Zhili immediately kicked the living dead aside.

Mu Zihang rolled on the ground and punched, and when he looked up, he saw the living dead woke up again.

To draw a sword is to cut off the head of the living dead.

"No!" Yun Zhili quickly stopped Mu Zihang's movements.

Mu Zihang retracted the sword that immediately touched the living dead, and then kicked the living dead several times.

"Miss, why don't you just cut off the other party's brain?" Mu Zihang came to Yun Zhili's side and asked in confusion.

Before, the young lady always said that the only way to deal with these living dead was with fire, but just now he discovered that he could just cut off the other's head, so that the other party would also be unable to survive?
"No matter where you cut him off, this person is dead, but the Gu worm inside is indeed alive all the time, as long as someone gets close to it, it will still enter the human body." Yun Zhili said while avoiding the attack of the undead.

"Oh." Mu Zihang frowned, and when he looked at the living dead, he only felt that such things were bothersome and scary.

"Miss, are we going to set them on fire?" Mu Zihang looked at Yun Zhili and asked.

"Go in and have a look over there, there is movement over there"

"Let's go!" Hearing a large group of people rushing from outside the courtyard, Yun Zhili pulled Mu Zihang up and hid directly in the dark.

There are many people who have been bitten on the ground here. If you want to take them away, it may not be easy for these people.

None of them are wearing masks now, and these people will easily recognize them when they come in.

"That man is alive!"



Those little soldiers saw those people lying on the ground in the small courtyard, and saw that the living dead man was hugging a person's neck and biting it, and took a few steps back in an instant.

The guards who rushed in, seeing this scene, drew their swords and faced each other.

"Come on, cut that man!" Chu Zhaohuai, the county magistrate of Qingyun Town, saw the scene in front of him, and immediately called his subordinates to go up and chop that living dead man.

Yun Zhili tore off a piece of cloth from Mu Zihang's side, covered his face directly, and flew out from the shadows, "Don't chop!"

In the dark, Mu Zihang also quickly tore off a piece of cloth from his body and covered his face, and came to Yun Zhili's side.

"Who are you!" Chu Zhaohuai could tell at a glance that the two were from the martial arts world.

Seeing the other party so easily come and go in his own government office, it is personally unbearable.

Besides, the rivers and lakes and the imperial court have never interfered with each other.

"You don't have to worry about who we are. In short, these living dead cannot be killed with a knife. You need to prepare torches to destroy these people." Yun Zhili said to Chu Zhaohuai in a low voice.

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