The son of the world chasing his wife is all a trap

Chapter 117 All Playing Little Devils

Chapter 117 All Playing Little Devils
"Boss, didn't you go out with the young master? Why are you here?" One of the men looked at Fu Yunshi and said happily.

"I'll talk about this later." Fu Yunshi was very excited to see his brothers, but now the enemy is at hand.

Hearing that, the man didn't talk much anymore.

"Just because you want to stop what we are going to do in the Demon Palace?" Gu Liangfeng looked at the other party with disdain.

Then step back and "up!"

In an instant, the hidden guards behind Gu Liangfeng rushed forward.

The two sides quickly became one.

Then Yun Zhili saw a figure on the ground struggling to crawl outside.

It turned out to be the person who was thrown against the door with a whip before.

Yun Zhili gave the hidden guard beside him a look, and soon the man was brought to Yun Zhili's side.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for saving me." Fang Congyue weakly cupped his hands towards Yun Zhili.

"Seeing that you're so brave, why don't you go down and fight after you recover?" Yun Zhili joked as he looked at Fang Congyue.

"Is it a girl?" Fang Congyue was a little surprised that the other party turned out to be a girl.

"No?" Yun Zhili frowned.

"Yes, yes." Of course Fang Congyue would not say no.

"I knew I would have eaten in that dungeon, who would have thought that I would be rescued?" Fang Congyue sighed, he made a mistake.

Listening to Fang Congyue's words, is he planning to starve to death inside and not eat the food inside?

I really don't know whether to say this person is ambitious or this person is too stupid.

Yiyanghou and Chu Zhaohuai on the ground glanced at the people on the wall, and then at the crowd fighting together on the ground.

In the end, Yiyang Hou fixed his eyes on Mu Qianxun.

I don't know why this person always gives him a familiar feeling.

He couldn't tell that the other party was wearing a mask.

Sensing the gaze, Mu Qianxun looked over there.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he turned his gaze back.

Yiyang Hou's heart trembled when the other party looked at him.

He had only seen this kind of gaze from the current Holy Majesty.

Could it be that the Holy One came in person?
No, the Holy Majesty will not come here, who would it be?

right!There is one more person!Mu Qianxun!
Yiyang Hou looked over there again, but unfortunately they were nowhere to be seen.

The Marquis of Yiyang hurriedly got up and looked around for Mu Qianxun.

Mu Qianxun has been missing for several years, but the Holy Majesty has not made a prime minister so far, and everyone is guessing that Mu Qianxun was actually sent by the Holy Majesty to carry out some secret mission.

"Father, what are you looking at?" Cen Zijian couldn't help asking when he saw his father looking around.

Chu Zhaohuai on the side also looked at Yiyang Hou curiously.

"It's okay, I just saw an old friend." Seeing that the figure was gone, Yiyang Hou looked away.

"Father, I want to venture into the rivers and lakes." Cen Zijian didn't ask any more, but looked at those people who were beating fiercely in front of him, feeling a little yearning, and that kind of passionate feeling swept through his whole body.

"Okay, you don't have to go back when you go back this time," Yiyang Hou looked at Cen Zijian and said suddenly.

"Really dad?" There was light in Cen Zijian's eyes, and he didn't notice the glint in Yiyang Hou's eyes.

"Yeah." Yiyanghou just nodded and looked into the distance.

"Master Hou, what are we going to do now?" Chu Zhaohuai asked from the side.

"Send news to Zhentian City, let's go to the White Mansion" Yiyang Hou had already thought about it, so that they could go to the White Mansion in a legitimate way, and at that time all the faults would be blamed on Mosha Palace.

Soon Fu Yunshi's side fell apart. After all, they only detoxified the poison, and naturally they were not opponents with [-]% internal strength.

Even Fu Yunshi was beaten down.

"Are these the so-called outstanding figures from aristocratic families?" Gu Liangfeng still did not forget to taunt the other party.

"Then what are you? Is this lady's reputation useful?" At this time, another mask of a woman in red with red fangs came out from one side.

Then landed two silver masks, a man with a black mask, and a dozen dark guards standing on the treetops behind him.

The momentum rose all of a sudden.

Yun Zhili's eyes widened.

I go!This is even more pretentious than the way she appeared on the stage!
But he was so handsome!

"Brother Chu, what's going on here? Why is there another little devil here?" Mo Yidao asked in confusion.

"This is the real little devil." Chu Jinyi looked at the woman in red with a light in her eyes.

Mo Yidao called it incredible.

"It's true that someone is blaming the Demon Palace." Mo Yidao felt that those people really didn't know what to do.

The people below were stunned.

Why is there another one here?
But no matter how you look at it, it looks like the little devil who came later.

Yiyanghou gritted his teeth and stared at the later little devil, he must not let her ruin a good thing.

Looking at the scene below, Yun Zhili really felt that it was his own place, so he had to pretend no matter what.

Holding Xiao Ranran into the previous inn in the town.

Fortunately, the living dead on the second floor did not come up, and those things are still there.

No one paid attention to Yun Zhili's departure, and now all eyes were on the real and fake little devil below.

"I didn't expect someone to pretend to be my lady." Gu Liangfeng laughed lightly, looking at the other party as if he saw something funny.

"Let's fight!" I saw that the little devil who was behind threw out the red whip directly, full of fighting spirit.

"Okay" Gu Liangfeng drew out his whip without any fear and went up to him.

The first whip, the whips of the two were entangled together.

The second whip, the latter's whip almost hit Gu Liangfeng's face, but was almost dodged by the opponent.

The third whip, the latter directly knocked the corner of the opponent's clothes to the ground.

"How about it? Still want to fight?" The latter little devil stepped back a few steps, looked at Gu Liangfeng and said proudly.

Gu Liangfeng is not talking, those present obviously know that the previous one is a little devil in disguise.

"But even if you are a real little devil, how can you make it clear that this matter has nothing to do with you?" Yiyang Hou said at the right time.

Everyone looked at Marquis Yiyang, and then at the little devil who came later.

They are thinking that no matter whether the two are true or not, they are enemies of their martial arts integrity.

"Of course it has something to do with it, it has a lot to do with it." Later, the little devil didn't speak, and saw a woman in red clothes with red fangs standing on top of a shadow guard in the treetops.

He is heroic and valiant, but it is a pity that he is holding a child in one hand.

Instant beauty throughout the house.

Mo Yidao and Chu Jinyi immediately looked aside, and sure enough the man was gone.

Just when did she change her clothes?
And, isn't this nonsense?
There were already two little devils below, why would she go up to join in the fun?
Fang Congyue was a little out of his mind, so after looking back and forth several times, he realized that the person standing on top of the person was the one who saved him just now.

Everyone "..."

Are there a lot of little devils dressing up now?

Why are so many people pretending to be little devils?

The little devil seems to be the sworn enemy of martial arts, right?

Could it be that they want to use their identities as little devils to do bad things?
"Who are you?!" The little devil later stared at the person on the treetop, and there was a flash of vigilance in her eyes at this moment.

Gu Liangfeng's eyes also had a flash of vigilance.

Standing on the wall, Chu Jinyi had a panoramic view of the expressions of the two of them.

When Gu Liangfeng saw that little devil just now, his expression didn't change a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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