Chapter 118

Chu Jinyi looked at the person on the top of the tree, only to see that the person under his feet couldn't move, and the hidden guards on both sides took a step back, wary of this person who appeared suddenly.

Mu Qianxun took Bai Yiran and hid in the bushes, looking at the person standing on top of him.

"Who am I? Isn't this obvious?" Yun Zhili stretched out his hand and shook it up and down a few times towards the people below, looking calm.

"Hmph! Who would believe it!" Gu Liangfeng regained consciousness and looked at Yun Zhili and snorted coldly.

Who knows if this person is also a fake.

Even if she wasn't pretending, she made her pretend.

"Believe it or not" Yun Zhili rolled her eyes, she just came out to join in the fun.

Gu Liangfeng choked.

The corners of everyone's eyes twitched: So this is coming out to be a shit-stirring stick?

"Don't worry about Miss Ben, you go ahead and pretend I don't exist." Yun Zhili teased Xiao Ranran with one hand, and said to the people below, "Oh, Xiao Ranran is awake? But the noise below woke you up?"

Everyone's face darkened.

"I think this person seems to be a real little devil." Looking at the red figure on the top of the tree, Bai Yiran couldn't help but secretly said to Mu Qianxun.

Mu Qianxun glanced at Bai Yiran who was beside her suspiciously.

How can Yiran conclude that this person is a little devil?
Looking at the figure again, he didn't know if it was the little devil, but he knew that this person was the one who drugged Bai Yiran tonight.

Thinking of that person's martial arts and reaching out, Mu Qianxun also decided that this person was the little devil himself.

"Whoever you are, let me down first!" Gu Liangfeng exchanged glances with the little devil who came after him, and took the lead in pulling out his whip and flying towards Yun Zhili, throwing out a whip.

It's a pity that the whip was stopped by a sword, and Gu Liangfeng was thrown to the ground.

"Miss Mosha Palace is also the one you can fight if you want?" Mu Zihang came from nowhere with a silver mask on, followed by the dark guards all over the sky who surfaced from under the woods and stood on the treetops one after another .

"Handsome!" Yun Zhili looked at the hidden guards behind him, and couldn't help giving Mu Zihang a thumbs up.

Authentic ones are of course better than fake ones!

With a smile in his eyes, Mu Zihang returned to Yun Zhili, wanting to take Xiao Ranran, but saw Xiao Ranran crying, "Miss, the child is crying"

"Then go get some goat's milk." Yun Zhili looked down, and first touched the little guy to see if he had peed.

"Yes" Mu Zihang stepped away and left.

The master and servant did not pay any attention to the people below.

"Is it really the little devil?"

"This should be"

Someone below said in a low voice.

Gu Liangfeng didn't notice that this little devil really came.

Gritting his teeth, he felt a little bitter.

"Whoever says there are too many people must be a real little devil!" Gu Liangfeng shouted unconvinced, then took out a whistle and put it on his mouth and blew lightly, which was a harsh sound.

Not far away from the forest, men in black appeared one after another.

Mu Qianxun on the tree watched Gu Liangfeng's movements, frowning slightly.

The people below all frowned.

There are so many people here again.

Still, they want the pair to lose out.

No matter which side they are from, they are not good people for them.

Yun Zhili hadn't paid any attention to these people for a long time.

"Siyu!" Gu Liangfeng yelled at Siyu, the little devil who came later, and the two rushed towards Yun Zhili together.

Yun Zhili rolled his eyes, can't help it?
Yun Zhili quickly dodged the two combo attacks and hid below.

The hidden guards of Mosha Palace fought with those men in black, Yun Zhili was a little anxious, "Don't kill them!"

"Yes" echoed in the sky.

Only then did Yun Zhili feel relieved.

"Wait, wait" Yun Zhili looked at the two people who wanted to attack him again, Yun Zhili quickly hid a little, stopped them, and then took something from behind.

Yun Zhili's actions made everyone vigilant.

That day, the little devil's poison had poisoned a lot of people.

Everyone stared at Yun Zhili and took out a piece of cloth from behind.

"I'm sorry, the baby urinated, I'll change her diaper," Yun Zhili said awkwardly to everyone.

Sure enough, you can't fight with your children.

This scene is really embarrassing.

Everyone "..."

"The little devil is quite interesting." Bai Yiran's eyes lit up, and he liked this little devil more and more.

It's such a time, it's embarrassing that this little devil can still be so calm.

Looking at Bai Yiran's excited eyes, Mu Qianxun was really afraid that this woman would imitate her.

Gu Liangfeng's eyes became more angry, this person didn't take them seriously at all.

As soon as the whip was thrown out, Yun Zhili happened to change Xiao Ranran's diaper, and he almost couldn't dodge it, and the dust flew up at the side.

Yun Zhili frowned slightly, and pulled out a red whip from his waist, "If you like whips so much, then I will teach you some tricks today."

A whip bloomed quickly from the ground, straight to Gu Liangfeng's face, the whip in Gu Liangfeng's hand was swept away when he threw it out, so he had to throw out his stunt dart.


After a few sounds, the dart was thrown aside.

It took only a moment for Yun Zhili to accept the whip.

"Stop crying, Daddy will bring the goat milk in a while." Yun Zhili put down his whip, knelt down and coaxed Xiao Ranran.

Everyone "..."

Is this little devil married?
Or was she married to her own Gong Sha?
Everyone looked at the little guy in Yun Zhili's arms and guessed one by one.

Gu Liangfeng was also beaten by Yun Zhili and had no strength to fight back.

Don't dare to act rashly.

These are the twelve lashes of the little devil.

Really great.

"Brother Chu, this time it's really a little devil. I saw her twelve whips." Mo Yidao happily shook Chu Jinyi's arm and said.

In such a comparison, the previous two are really too weak.

Chu Jinyi originally had light in his eyes, but after being dazzled by this fool, all that remained was disgust, disgust for Mo Yidao.

Withdrew his arm from Mo Yidao's hand.

It's a pity to look at the little devil below.

This little devil got married early and had two sons.

No wonder this little devil was so quiet a few days ago.

Fang Congyue could put down an egg with his mouth open.

Is this guy really a little devil?

Did you save yourself just now?
Will the little devil save people?

Is this the sun coming out from the west?

"Miss, the goat's milk is here." At this time, Mu Zihang leaped over and handed the goat's milk to Yun Zhili.

Yun Zhili nursed the little guy little by little.

Mu Zihang stood in front of Yun Zhili and looked at the people in front of him, in case someone came to attack.

"Magistrate Chu, our eldest lady said that the living dead will be burned, what does Magistrate Chu say?" Mu Zihang looked at Chu Zhaohuai.

He won't let people bring misfortune to others, and come to blame the eldest lady.

Since it was Chu Zhaohuai's fault, he must not let him be a shrinking turtle.

"You...don't slander people!" Chu Zhaohuai didn't expect that this person would mention himself directly.

"This is what your Demon Sha Palace did, don't ask the court to bear it." Yiyang Hou shouted at Mu Zihang.

"Hey, this matter should be easy to investigate, but you haven't been able to find out for a long time. Could it be that you are with those people?" Mu Zihang sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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