The son of the world chasing his wife is all a trap

Chapter 120: Passing 5 Levels and Killing 6 Generals

Chapter 120 Passing five levels and killing six generals
Looking at the cowardly Fang Cong, Mu Zihang raised his eyes slightly.

This guy knows the times.

Fang Congyue saw the playfulness in Mu Zihang's eyes, and couldn't help scratching the back of his head.

In fact, it wasn't that he was cowardly, the main reason was that he didn't think that the little devil was that kind of wicked person.

"Fang Congyue! Damn! You used to look like you would rather die than submit in prison, but now you are afraid?" Some of the children of the aristocratic family saw Fang Congyue being so cowardly, and couldn't help but give him a bite.

Fang Congyue couldn't bear it, and yelled at the man, "I'm not afraid, I only love people I approve of."

"Fang Congyue, you are a decent scum." The man just couldn't get used to Fang Congyue's high-minded appearance before, and now he was scared of being beaten by the cult members so quickly, so he couldn't help laughing.

"No, you guys will be arguing later." Cen Zijian couldn't help interrupting these people.

"Can you not accidentally hurt him?" Cen Zijian just wanted to go forward to open the door and see his father, why was he drugged?

Mu Zihang looked at Zhai Shaopeng and Xu Shenglong: Do you want to untie it for him?

"Let's untie it." Zhai Shaopeng nodded to Mu Zihang, it's better for them to have less contact with the people in the court.

Mu Zihang walked towards Cen Zijian, and within two steps, an afterimage passed by him.

Just as he was about to make a move, he heard Cen Zijian screaming, "Don't mess around, I am the son of Marquis Yiyang"

"Where is the old witch running!" Zhai Shaopeng tapped his toes and chased after Fu Ziyu.

Unexpectedly, this old hag could still use her internal energy.

Unexpectedly, Fu Ziyu threw something directly at Zhai Shaopeng, and Zhai Shaopeng easily dodged it. The thing exploded instantly when it fell on the ground, and a burst of smoke rose up.

When the smoke cleared, Fu Ziyu and Cen Zijian were no longer there.

"Do you want to go after him?" Mu Zihang stepped forward and asked.

"Forget it, no need, the old woman was drugged, and she must have forced her to exercise her kung fu, and the toxin would spread to the entire meridian in a while." Zhai Shaopeng waved his hand while looking at the distance.

Fang Cong met a few people there and ran away secretly without knowing what they were discussing.

Anyway, he just heard the word not to kill these people, so he was relieved.

It was only after entering the forest that Fang Congyue felt terrified.

Within a few steps, a person was tied to a tree.

"Chevaliers, come and save me!" The man finally saw a person approaching, his eyes lit up, and he quickly shouted.

" did you get tied to a tree?" Fang Congyo saw that the other party was dressed like an ordinary person, so he wanted to go forward and untie the other party.

"I was tied up by a group of men in black." The man's face became paler and his eyes were dazed in a place Fang Congyue didn't see.

His head shook slightly uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute, I'll untie it for you after a while." Fang Cong made an appointment, but he didn't expect the rope to be tied so tightly.

He hadn't eaten for a few days, he had just gone through a mentally stimulating battle, and he had run a long distance, so he was already exhausted.

He walked to the front and sat on the ground, and when he looked up, he met the man's blood-red eyes and protruding fangs.

"Ah!!!" Fang Congyue jumped up from the ground in fright, and ran outside.

Unexpectedly, after running a few steps, he met another living dead.


It was like going through five stages and beheading six generals all the way. Finally, he ran out of the forest and came to a small river. Only then did Fang Congyue feel alive.

All of a sudden he collapsed to the ground.

"Hey! Don't come over here." At this time, another voice came. Fang Congyue didn't want to move his eyelids at first, but he still glanced over there.

It was Cen Zijian, the son of the Marquis of Yiyang.

Cen Zijian was tied up and thrown on the ground. The old witch in front of him crawled on the ground and moved towards Cen Zijian little by little.

It looked like a huge worm, Fang Congyue closed his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to it, now he couldn't protect himself.

"Hey brother over there, wake up, come and help me, I can give you 100 taels of silver." Cen Zijian couldn't help but shouted at Fang Congyue over there.

Fang Congyue moved his fingers slightly: Does he look like someone short of money?
"Really? Give 100 taels?" Yun Zhili suddenly appeared and looked at Cen Zijian and asked.

"Yes, here..." Cen Zijian saw that it was the little devil from the Devil's Palace, and swallowed.

If she found out that she had lied to him, she would have died even worse.

"Okay, I'll get rid of her for you." Yun Zhili held Xiao Ranran in his arms and flicked his finger directly at Fu Ziyu.

She didn't kill her, she just made her life worse than death.

Seeing that the old hag did not move, Cen Zijian breathed a sigh of relief.

"100 taels." Yun Zhili came to Cen Zi's gym and stretched out his hand with a grin.

"That...hehe..." Cen Zijian laughed dryly, then his eyes lit up and he said to Yun Zhili as if thinking of something, "I have all my money at home, why don't you come back with me, and I'll get you some money"

"Are you trying to cheat a bodyguard for free?" Yun Zhili's eyelids drooped, looking a bit fierce.

"No, no, why don't you wait for my father to come out, and I'll give it to you?" Cen Zijian shook his head hastily, despite the fact that this little devil was still smiling just now, but this fierceness is still quite scary.

"That's why you don't have any taels of silver with you now," Yun Zhili said as he looked at Cen Zijian while playing with a pill in his hand.

"Cough..." Cen Zijian didn't dare to speak.

Even though he really didn't have any, he still felt that if he admitted it, he would end up with that old hag.

"It deserves it, even the little devil dares to lie," Fang Congyue said from the side.

"Don't worry, when I go back, I will definitely send you the 100 taels of silver." Cen Zijian was about to cry.

It's not that he can't afford it, the main reason is that he came out in a hurry at night and didn't bring any silver.

"Just in case, you take this first, and I'll give you the antidote when you give me some money." Yun Zhili stuffed a pill into Cen Zijian's mouth.

"Ahem..." Cen Zijian wanted to spit it out, but it melted in his mouth.

Looking at Yun Zhili aggrievedly, he wanted to know if the other party could untie him.

Yun Zhili didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, he didn't even have any money, and he wanted her to untie him.

If she didn't want to ruin Yiyang Hou's good deeds, she probably wouldn't have saved this man.

Fu Ziyu also seemed to know Cen Zijian, so he wanted to kill Cen Zijian to pave the way for his son.

But it's a pity, just a little bit.

Yun Zhili sat aside and waited for a while but did not see Mo Yidao and Chu Jinyi coming over.

I don't know what they did.

Just now they heard the voice of Cen Zijian calling, they rushed this way together, but they didn't expect the other party to stop halfway.

Cen Zijian saw that the other party really refused to let him go, so he could only move his body and walked towards Cen Zijian.

It's just that when the old witch passed by, the other party squirmed a bit, and Cen Zijian yelled loudly, and rolled to Fang Congyue's side all at once.

Yun Zhili was startled by Cen Zijian's yelling, and glared over there, Cen Zijian fell silent instantly.

Yun Zhili looked down and saw that Xiao Ranran was also woken up.

He hurriedly coaxed him loudly, while reaching out his hand to pat him lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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