Chapter 121 The Different Xie Yijing

Seeing that Yun Zhili didn't make trouble for him, Cen Zijian heaved a sigh of relief.

He moved his body and gently touched Fang Congyue.

"Brother, brother, do me a favor" Cen Zijian yelled in a low voice, seeing that the other party still didn't respond, he had no choice but to use his hands to slap the other party.

Who knows that the other party still didn't respond.

"Brother, brother, wake up, are you alright?" Cen Zi turned his head and kicked Fang Congyue lightly with his feet, but when he saw that the other party still didn't respond, he panicked.

This person won't be bitten by the living dead on the road, right?

"Little devil..." Cen Zijian went to see Yun Zhili, wanting her to help tie Cen Zijian up.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt as if he had offended this person.

Where would anyone call Little Devil in front of others?Isn't this premature death?
Cen Zijian regretted and wanted to hit his forehead with his hand, but the back of his hand was tied behind his back.

It's been a long time since Yun Zhili scolded him, Cen Zijian glanced at him quietly, seeing that the other party was coaxing the child, he had a strange feeling.

This little devil actually has such a tender side?
Shaking his head with emotion, he slowly moved his body to stay away from Fang Cong Yue.

But I felt a slight squeeze in my hand.

There seemed to be something, and the finger moved slightly, and that thing was just pushed down.

"What's wrong with him?" Just as he was about to get up to have a look, a voice came, and Yun Zhili, who came here at some unknown time, was about to be scared out of his heart.

"I want to see if he was bitten by the living dead, and he can't wake up if he screams," Cen Zijian said to Yun Zhili while looking at Fang Congyue.

Hearing this, Yun Zhili was about to reach out to feel the other person's pulse, when a grunt stopped Yun Zhili's movements.

Call ~
Looking at Fang Congyue who was sleeping soundly, the corner of Yun Zhili's mouth twitched.

Is this person sleepy?
Cen Zijian also understood instantly and muttered in a low voice, "What a dead pig"

The whole person also breathed a sigh of relief and moved his body.

There was a sound, followed by the three people and there was nothing under them.

"Ah!" Cen Zijian shouted, and the three of them disappeared out of thin air.

Not long after the three of them disappeared, Chu Jinyi and Mo Yidao arrived late.

Seeing that there was only one Fu Ziyu here, Chu Jinyi frowned slightly.

"Huh? I clearly heard a voice from here before." Seeing that there was no one else but Fu Ziyu, Mo Yidao patted his head in doubt.

Chu Jinyi checked around, and the two left.

"Hmm! Who's holding me down?" Cen Zijian's face twisted in pain.

Who can tell him that there is a secret passage down here?

The most hateful thing is that he is still the one with the back.

Yun Zhili reached out and touched the two meat pads below, "Not bad"

When Yun Zhili came together, Cen Zijian wanted to touch his waist, but his hands were still tied.

"It's not yet dawn." Fang Congyue seemed to wake up in a daze, but his face was sleepy, making one have to suspect that this person hadn't woken up at all.

Sure enough, after the man said something, he fell asleep again.

"Hey! I'm going to be eaten by dogs when I wake up!" Cen Zijian kicked Fang Congyue, who fell asleep again.

No consciousness at all.

Yun Zhili ignored the two, but looked around.

Unexpectedly, there is a secret room here.

Dong dong dong

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from far and near.

Cen Zijian was so frightened that he quickly hid and rolled to Yun Zhili's side.

Yun Zhili glanced at Cen Zijian.

But to be honest, there is really a little bit of fear in this situation.

Just when a few people were nervous, they saw a flame approaching.

Because of internal strength, Yun Zhili quickly saw clearly that the other party was Xie Yijing.

I didn't expect to meet Xie Yijing here.

Xie Yijing also saw Yun Zhili, his eyes lit up, and then he saw Cen Zijian beside him and another lying on the ground, Xie Yijing was not happy.

Why is his wife surrounded by men?
"Xie Yijing?" When Xie Yijing approached, Cen Zijian quickly recognized Xie Yijing.

Xie Yijing glanced at Cen Zijian, but ignored him.

"How did you get down?" Xie Yijing looked at Yun Zhili and asked.

"I don't know." Yun Zhili recalled, he didn't come across any mechanism or anything like that.

"There should be a bump on it," Xie Yijing said.

He came here to look for Yun Xianghou before, and accidentally strayed in.

After searching for a while, there were only some water pools in front of it, and there was no other exit at all.

"The only way we can get out now is to wait for the person on the top to press the protrusion, and we can go out when the top is opened," Xie Yijing said.

After hearing Xie Yijing's words, Cen Zijian's hands tied behind his back trembled unnaturally.

After a closer look, this guy is holding something like a small stone in one hand.

"Then what... what if no one comes?" Cen Zijian looked at the two humbly and asked.

"Then we can only wait here to die." Xie Yijing stared at Cen Zijian and said.

Cen Zijian felt a little guilty after being stared at, and immediately lowered his head, not looking at the two of them.

"Have you seen everything over there?" Yun Zhili asked, looking at the path Xie Yijing took when he came.

"Yeah." Xie Yi nodded.

"I'll go take a look again," Yun Zhili said.

"Let's go" Xie Yijing naturally took Xiao Ranran from Yun Zhili's arms, and then handed the fire folder to Yun Zhili.

"Hey wait, can you untie it for me?" Seeing that the two were about to leave, Cen Zijian was a little anxious, for fear that the two would leave him alone.

"You wait here," Xie Yijing said coldly.

Cen Zijian "..." Why did he feel that the Xie Yijing he saw again was different from the Xie Yijing he met in Beijing before?

And looking at the back of the two of them leaving together, do these two know each other?
How did these two know each other?

Cen Zijian had 1 question marks in his mind.

After losing sight of the two of them, Cen Zijian suddenly became afraid.

There won't be any bugs and snakes in here, right?
There was another snoring sound, and Cen Zijian angrily kicked Fang Congyue a few times, this man is really a dead pig!
After kicking, Cen Zijian felt a little vented, but still felt a little unsafe on the ground. Looking at Fang Congyue in front of him, Cen Zijian's eyes lit up, and he moved directly to Fang Congyue's body.

Sure enough, it is much safer.

Here, Xie Yijing followed Yun Zhili to a pool.

"Is there no secret room around here?" Yun Zhili didn't understand these things very well, so he looked at Xie Yijing and asked.

She remembered that Xie Yijing had done a lot of research on this.

"No." Xie Yijing looked around again and then said.

Then Yun Zhili looked at the water pool.

"How did you come here?" Xie Yijing looked at Yun Zhili and asked.

Yun Zhili then talked about the outside affairs.

Then Yun Zhili narrowed his eyes and looked at Xie Yijing, "You came with my father, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Forgot," Xie Yijing said with a dry cough.

"Forgot?" Yun Zhili approached Xie Yijing and asked.

She didn't believe that this guy forgot. She remembered that she wanted to ask who came with him before, but she was distracted by this guy's other topics.

I didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it, I think this guy did it on purpose.

"Ma'am, let's go out quickly, we'll be fine after two meals, but the little guy doesn't seem to be able to do it." Xie Yijing walked aside and changed the subject again.

(End of this chapter)

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