The potion was opened by Meng Jinghao, and Mu Xi was packing the potion, but a small hand came over to one, and all the powder of the potion came towards him.

Mu Xi's heart trembled, and he hurriedly patted off the medicine, and then his eyelids were about to droop.

Sister!Help! ! !
"Little uncle... sleep, hug and sleep" Seeing Mu Xi lying on the ground sleeping, Meng Jinghao happily arched his body and pulled Mu Xi's arm, lying in his arms and sleeping with his eyes closed.

It wasn't until dinner in the evening that the two were discovered.

Yun Zhili quickly put away the paper on the ground with sharp eyes.

"The two little ones must be tired from playing, sister, I'll take Mu Xi home first." Yun Zhili looked at Mu Xi who had already woken up, heaved a sigh of relief, and then carried Mu Xi back.

Back in the room, Yun Zhili took out a pill from Mu Xi's arms, put it under his nose and smelled it.

Only then did Mu Xi faintly wake up.

"Wow! Senior Sister, I thought I would never see you again." Mu Xi burst into tears looking at Yun Zhili.

"Come on, what's going on? Why did you even drug yourself?" Yun Zhili looked at Mu Xi crying like a little cat, felt a little funny, and wiped his tears.

"What did that stinky boy think he was looking for? That little hand searched it and found it in my breast pocket. Fortunately, it was an ecstasy drug. If this is a red crane, I don't know if I can see you right now." Mu Xi got angry when he said that.

I wish I could beat that little guy's ass.

"I knew he wanted to eat it, so I gave it to him, and I snatched it, and he let me eat it." Mu Xi has never been so aggrieved in his life. He was only two years old when he was fed medicine by a child.

"Pfft! Hahaha" Yun Zhili could already imagine the situation of the two of them.

"The little guy probably went to find a baby." Yun Zhili laughed and teased Mu Xi.

"Do I look like I have milk? And I'm a masculine man!" Mu Xi said angrily, puffing out her small chest.

"Hahahaha" Yun Zhili was amused by Mu Xi.

Looking at Yun Zhili, Mu Xi folded his hands in front of his chest, turned his back and ignored her.

"This is a long memory, next time I will put the medicine in my chest pocket, and the next time I touch it, it may be red on the top of the crane." I should laugh, but I can't forget to hit this guy.

Meng Jinghao is still young and ignorant, if he really finds out that the top of the crane is red next time, it will be a tragedy.

Although he didn't like Yun Zhili's ridicule, he obediently transferred the potion into his secret pocket.

"Let's go, get up, wash your face, and let's go eat," Yun Zhili said, pulling Mu Xi.

Mu Xi glanced at Yun Zhili, after all, he didn't have trouble with his stomach.

As soon as the "little uncle" arrived at the dinner table, Mu Xi was called to be beside him by Meng Jinghao.

Mu Xi actually refused in his heart.

He wants to spank the kid's ass right now.

While eating, Yun Zhili noticed that her mother gave her an unkind look.

Yun Zhili touched his nose, why did he have a bad feeling?

Sure enough, after the meal, Yunca started a meeting, and educated Yun Zhili on the spot.

Yun Zhili asked for help from several people in the venue, and Father Yun pretended to be watching the child.

Yun Zhirou pretended not to see it, and Meng Huai looked aside.

These people are so dishonest.

"Starting tomorrow, I will invite someone to teach you the etiquette of being a lady, and you are not allowed to leave the house. I, when I am free, I am looking for someone to watch over your marriage. You are about to arrive, and it is time to talk about marriage." On getting married" Mica finally made a decision.

Yun Zhili in the front was already a little unbearable, but she couldn't bear the latter one even more.

"Mother, if you punish me, you punish me, why did you get married?" Yun Zhili looked at her mother and said dissatisfied.

"What? When you reach the age of marriage, you still don't want to get married?" Yun Mu said with a serious face, looking at Yun Zhili.

Yun Zhili wanted to refute, but Yun Zhirou pulled him away, so he didn't continue.

On the way back, Mu Xi teased Yun Zhili for nothing, "Sigh~ Senior Sister, I really sympathize with you, how can you make a fool of yourself?"

Yun Zhili turned his gaze, and looked at Mu Xi with a gloomy look, "Who said I'm going to get married? I have things I can't get married"

Having said that, Yun Zhili had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and immediately thought of a good way, he ignored Mu Xi and walked lightly.

Mu Xi "..."

This woman's face really changes at will.

"Little uncle!" The three words engraved in his mind came, and Mu Xi turned his head stiffly, and sure enough, he saw Meng Jinghao running over, and because of inertia, he was hit on the buttocks and squatted.

"Slow down, slow down, your little uncle was knocked down by you!" Meng Huai followed behind, and quickly stepped forward to help them up.

Mu Xi didn't understand and looked at Meng Huai, didn't he want to sleep at night?Why are you still here?

Yun Zhili also looked at Meng Huai in puzzlement.

"It's not because you two sleep too much during the day, and I'm afraid that you won't be able to sleep at night, so I brought him over to find you, so that I can have a companion with you." Meng Huai said with a sanctimonious face and false feelings.

In fact, the main reason is that he doesn't want to stay up all night looking at this little guy.

There are still too few maids and servants in the house, throwing Meng Jinghao to Mu Xi is equivalent to throwing Meng Jinghao to Yun Zhili.

He praised his own ideas.

"Actually..." Mu Xi was very disgusted, even if he couldn't sleep, he didn't want to look at this brat.

To be honest, he can't really beat him, can he?

If it grows longer, if it grows bigger, he will have revenge.

"If he gets sleepy from playing, he can just sleep here, I have to leave first," Meng Huai said, and disappeared in a flash.

Yun Zhili woke up later, squinting at her brother-in-law who has more eyes than lotus roots.

"It just so happens that you are not sleepy. Seeing that you two are playing well, I won't bother you anymore and go back to sleep." Yun Zhili patted Mu Xi's small shoulder, and then ran away in a hurry.

Because Yun Zhili was not married yet, she arranged a maid for her at night, but Yun Zhirou didn't arrange it for the time being.

So Yun Zhili was not afraid of accidents between the two of them at all, and had a maid by his side.

"Little uncle hug~" Meng Jinghao hugged Mu Xi and begged for a hug.

hug what?How many sink points do you have?

The corner of Mu Xi's mouth twitched, looking at the little fat man in front of him, his hands were a little itchy, what should I do if I want to beat him up now?
Especially looking at the smile on that face.

The little maid at the side couldn't help laughing when she saw these two people.

Both little guys are adorable.

"Oh, I'm so tired, I can't stand up." Mu Xi immediately sat on the ground, looking extremely tired.

"Little uncle is tired, I'll hug him." Meng Jinghao was taken aback for a moment, then squatted down and wanted to hug Mu Xi, but in the end, not only did he not hug him, but his whole body was pressed on Mu Xi.

Mu Xi wanted to vomit blood.

The little maid quickly hugged Meng Jinghao, and Mu Xi was able to breathe.

"Young master, let's hug you." The little maid looked at Meng Jinghao and said.

"Hug little uncle," Meng Jinghao said, pointing to Mu Xi who had already stood up.

That means holding Mu Xi too.

The little maid shook her hand, but she couldn't hold the two of them.

"I don't need it, just hug him." Mu Xi quickly waved his hands, joking, how could he let a woman hug him like a majestic man.

Just like that, they returned to Yun Zhili's courtyard together.

"Where's Hao'er?" On the other side, Yun Zhirou saw that only Meng Huai had returned, so he couldn't help asking.

"He wants to sleep with his aunt, so I'll send him there," Meng Huai said casually.

After listening, Yun Zhirou didn't ask any more questions.

"My lady, why are we going?" Meng Huai looked at his wife and asked again.

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