They, Lord Hou, have said that they must establish the image of the young master who loves reading outside.

Otherwise, if this is the thing in the future, which little girl is willing to marry here?

Yun Muxi frowned and looked at Steward Yu.

When did this fish steward become blind? Is he the kind of person who likes to read?
"Brother, let's go too." Meng Jinghao finally saw a little guy as old as himself, and he was really happy.

In the past, he always begged his father to tie one up for him.

Unfortunately, his father just disagrees.

Looking at Yun Muxi, Meng Jinghao's eyes flickered.

When he left, he must kidnap his brother.

"Cough! Pay attention to your seniority, I'm your uncle." Yun Muxi couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the little guy's name, what an idiot.

But then his eyes lit up again, and now he has a reason to go out to play.

"Brother" Meng Jinghao smiled and called him brother.

He doesn't want to be called uncle, they are obviously the same age.

"Call me Uncle." Yun Muxi said again earnestly.

"Brother" Meng Jinghao just didn't shout.

"You're not a fool, are you?" Yun Muxi couldn't help doubting that Meng Jinghao only knew these two words.

"I want my brother to hug me." Meng Jinghao became unhappy, looked at Yun Muxi and said.

Yun Muxi lowered his head to look at his own small body, then at the opponent's, and ran away resolutely.

"Brother, wait for me." Meng Jinghao chased after him.

Yun Zhirou, a fish steward who was originally walking in front, heard the sound and saw two little guys running from behind.

At this moment, "Yun Zhili" came over from the side, and saw Yun Zhiruan and Steward Yu standing together.


"Zhili" Yun Zhirou was very happy after seeing Yun Zhili, and happily went up to say hello.

"Yun Zhili" looked a little dodgy, she is not a young lady, how could she know this person?
"The second miss hasn't seen the eldest lady for many years? But have you forgotten what the eldest lady looks like?" Seeing that Yun Zhili didn't seem to know Yun Zhirou anymore, Steward Yu hurried forward and said.

"Yun Zhili" smiled instantly when he heard the words, and quickly said, "Yeah, I haven't seen my sister for many years, and I didn't recognize it for a while."

After saying "Yun Zhili", he hugged Yun Zhirou's arm.

"Sis, when did you come back? Let's go and tell Mother, Mother must miss you very much." Zi Cai tried to pretend to be Yun Zhili and said.

There was a twinkle in Yun Zhirou's eyes.

This person is not Zhili.

If Zhili would not fail to recognize her.

Even though he was on the mountain at that time, although Zhili was surprised, he recognized her.

So this person in front of him is definitely not Zhili.

Although it is confirmed, Yun Zhirou did not dismantle this "Yun Zhili"

She wants to see what this man wants to do.

Could it be that those people were sent to deal with the Yunxianghou Mansion?
"Sister, what are you thinking about?" Zi Cai noticed that Yun Zhirou seemed to be out of shape, and asked quickly.

At the same time, I was also a little scared. Didn't the young lady treat this young lady like this before?

She tried to imitate the lady by imitating her character.

"It's okay, it's just a little sad. You were young when I left, but you're so big now." Yun Zhirou smiled softly, and stroked Zicai's hair.

Zicai's nose was sour.

These days of pretending to be a young lady are her happiest days, because this place is really good for her.

Everyone really loves her.

She had no parents since she was a child, and she wandered around until she was five or six years old before being picked up by Zhai Shaopeng, an ugly monk from the Demon Palace.

Later, after training, she was sent to the lady as a maid.

"Then sister, you have to take a good look at me this time." Zi Cai restrained her emotions. They are very controlled emotions, but they restrained their emotions in an instant.

After Yun Zhirou noticed it, her eyes flickered slightly, she smiled and replied "Okay"

Seeing the two sisters together, Steward Yu also felt tears welling up in his eyes.

At the beginning, the relationship between the eldest lady and the second lady was very good, and the two often ran around in the courtyard.

It's so big now.

Even the eldest lady has a child.

Even the second lady is married.

The fish steward sighed.

"Mother, hurry up and see who's here." As soon as she entered the hall, Zi Cai imitated Yun Zhili's voice and shouted.

Li looked at it with a smile in his eyes. He was still holding rice in his hand, but the moment he saw Yun Zhirou, the bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

"Mother" Yun Zhirou's eyes were red, and she quickly ran towards Li Shi and hugged Li Shi directly.

Li Shi also reacted quickly and hugged her, the eldest daughter who had been away from home for many years.

Tears came out instantly.

"It's Rou'er who's back." Mrs. Li missed Yun Zhirou for many years, and every time she secretly shed tears in the dark.

"Well, mother, I'm back." Yun Zhirou clenched her hands tightly and quickly hugged Li Shi.

Seeing the two mother and daughter hugging each other, Zicai also wanted to step forward to hug her, and also wanted to cry.

Think about why her parents abandoned her.

Looking at the little maids in the house, Steward Yu greeted them and went out.

He knew that Madam must have a lot to ask the eldest lady.

Some words may not be heard.

"You little fat man, let me go!" After a long time, there was a crisp voice at the door.

Li Shi looked up and saw two little guys hugging each other.

"No, I want my uncle to carry it." Meng Jinghao refused to let go.

It took me a while longer.

If Yun Muxi hadn't heard the brat shouting one by one, he really wanted to throw this brat out.

"Haohao, come down quickly, don't tire uncle." Yun Zhirou saw that Meng Jinghao was falling on Yun Muxi's body, and went over to pick Meng Jinghao in an instant.

If this brat exhausted his younger brother, his ass would bloom if she didn't spank him.

"Xiaoxi is all right?" Yun Zhirou looked at Yun Muxi worriedly.

"Don't worry, big sister, I'm not afraid of this little guy here." Yun Muxi patted his chest and praised Haikou.

Looking at the little man, Yun Zhirou couldn't help but smile.

It turns out that Haohao's character followed his uncle's.

"Uncle is waiting for me. I'll go outside and bring some kids back," Meng Jinghao said before running outside.

"Come back here!" Yun Zhirou hurriedly grabbed Meng Jinghao by the back of his neck.

This kid is so fat that he even dared to go out and kidnap someone.

Thought it was on the mountain?
Kidnapping people at every turn?

Seeing his mother's face, Meng Jinghao was a little timid, he smiled "I'm just kidding"

"This is Rou'er's child, isn't it Haohao?" Li Shi came to her senses and hurried forward to hug Meng Jinghao.

"Quickly call grandma," Yun Zhirou stretched out his hand and slapped the little guy's buttocks.

"Grandmother" Meng Jinghao grinned and reached out to Mrs. Li.

Li quickly stepped forward and hugged the little guy.

It might be a bit difficult to get her to hug her.

This little guy is a bit heavy, you can tell just by looking at it like this.

"Grandma, can you help me find some children?" Meng Jinghao asked, holding Li's hand.

Just sitting at the table, Yun Muxi, who wants to eat while watching the family, "..."

"Don't listen to your uncle, he can't bear to carry you." Naturally, Li Shi heard the conversation between the two little guys just now, and couldn't help being amused. The child born to his daughter was actually about the same age as his own.

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