Meng Jinghao frowned, obviously not convinced.

Because it was really the little uncle who brought him in just now.

Originally, Yun Muxi planned to refute Mrs. Li, but she was afraid that this brat would really call some people.

The family enjoys themselves in the house.

During the period, Yun Zhirou also secretly observed "Yun Zhili"

Seeing that the other party didn't make any moves, he was a little relieved.

Although Mrs. Li really wanted to chat with her daughter, she also knew that her daughter was a little tired from the long journey, so she let them go back to rest.

Yun Zhili has his own courtyard, and Mrs. Li often has people clean it.

Back in his own courtyard, Yun Zhirou said to the servant who brought him, "Pay more attention to Yun Zhili."

"It's Madam." Although the boy was a little puzzled, he must do well what Madam ordered.

After the servant left, Yun Zhirou took Meng Jinghao to bed.

It's just that after waking up, Meng Jinghao was no longer in sight.

After asking around the maids in the courtyard, I learned from one of the maids that Meng Jinghao had gone out with Yun Muxi.

Yun Zhirou breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys go find the young master and the young master, just keep an eye on them." This was in the Yunxianghou Mansion. She wasn't worried about being taken away, but she was afraid that Meng Jinghao would take Yun Muxi out to cause trouble.

Yun Zhirou went directly to Mrs. Li's yard.

In Yun Zhili's courtyard, Zi Cai happily said to Qingli, "Qingli, you don't know that Miss's elder sister is really gentle, just like her name."

Qing Li glanced at Zi Cai, knowing that this girl must have been warmed up by the young lady's family again.

An An, who was playing Xie Yijing, stood aside, seeming to be thinking a little bit, since the wife's sister is back, should he go out and have a look?
In fact, they have been exposed to each other a long time ago.

Often living in the same yard, how could he not notice that the other party has changed.

"Should I go out and have a look later?" An couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the two.

"No need, you've been poisoned all the time, just lie on the bed when the time comes," Zi Cai said fiercely to An An.

Zicai doesn't like An's master, so she hates Wu and Wu.

It's not bad if he didn't kill him, and he dared to come out and bubble.

An was so wronged that he dared not speak anymore.

At this time outside, Yun Muxi looked at the rope that Meng Jinghao took out from nowhere, and bound the hands of the five or six-year-old milk babies who had fallen on the ground in front of him one by one, and even tied a hand buckle.

"What are you doing?" Yun Muxi looked at Meng Jinghao with wide eyes.

"Uncle, these people dare to yell at you. They must be cleaned up. Don't worry, leave it to me." Meng Jinghao quickly tied up the people and was about to take them back to the house.

These people should be enough for him to play with.

Yun Muxi couldn't help giving Meng Jinghao a thumbs up, it's really a good job.

Originally, he wanted to come out to play, but these people blocked his way and scolded himself.

Then why don't you show your housekeeping skills?
A few people were put down in a few strokes.

Unexpectedly, learning these martial arts is not in vain.

Looking at Meng Jinghao, Yun Muxi's eyes flashed, and it seemed that someone was scapegoating.

The two of them had their own calculations.

"Yun Muxi, what are you doing?" At this moment, a voice stopped Yun Muxi.

Yun Muxi was taken aback for a moment, then turned around to see Fang Linshan coming out from behind the tree.

"Brother-in-law?" Yun Muxi looked at Fang Linshan and shouted happily.

"Is this your good friend you just made?" Fang Linshan asked as he hugged Yun Muxi and looked at Meng Jinghao who was beside him.

"No, this is my eldest sister's child." Yun Muxi waved his hand and said to Meng Jinghao, "Quickly call uncle, this is your second aunt's husband-in-law."

After speaking, Yun Muxi blinked.

Fang Linshan's eyes also flashed. He didn't find Yun Zhili when he came here. He wanted to go outside to look for it, but after thinking about it, he stayed.

Meng Jinghao glanced at Yun Muxi, then looked at Fang Linshan, and said directly, "Uncle, you have been cheated, this is not uncle."

Meng Jinghao had met Xie Yijing before, so he naturally knew who his uncle was.

"How do you know?" Yun Muxi stared, how did this guy know?
"I've met my uncle a long time ago," Meng Jinghao said with curled lips.

"Little guy, can you say I'll be your uncle? We don't want that uncle anymore." Fang Linshan raised his brows and came to Meng Jinghao's side and said.

"Is there any benefit?" Meng Jinghao's eyes lit up, and he looked at Fang Linshan and asked.

Fang Linshan "..."

Yun Muxi "..."

Why do you feel that this sentence is so familiar?

Yun Muxi and Fang Linshan looked at each other, Yun Muxi quickly turned his head, he didn't want to admit that he was so worthless, and abandoned his brother-in-law for a little favor.

He sold Xie Yijing entirely because he didn't like him.

Fang Linshan couldn't help but smile, it seems that Xie Yijing is not popular at all.

Then don't blame him for poking backstage.

"What do you want?" Fang Linshan knelt down and looked at Meng Jinghao and said.

"I want the Mihun powder," Meng Jinghao said after a moment of hesitation.

Only in this way can he put those people down and lead them up the mountain.

He must have robbed more people than his father.

"Does your family have a bloodline that is obsessed with ecstasy?" Fang Linshan asked Yun Muxi.

The corner of Yun Muxi's mouth twitched, and then he looked at Meng Jinghao, "What do you want that thing for?"

"Of course it was used to rob people," Meng Jinghao said confidently.

"It just so happens that you are not sleepy. Seeing that you two are playing well, I won't bother you anymore and go back to sleep." Yun Zhili patted Mu Xi's small shoulder, and then ran away in a hurry.

Because Yun Zhili was not married yet, she arranged a maid for her at night, but Yun Zhirou didn't arrange it for the time being.

So Yun Zhili was not afraid of accidents between the two of them at all, and had a maid by his side.

"Little uncle hug~" Meng Jinghao hugged Mu Xi and begged for a hug.

hug what?How many sink points do you have?

The corner of Mu Xi's mouth twitched, looking at the little fat man in front of him, his hands were a little itchy, what should I do if I want to beat him up now?
Especially looking at the smile on that face.

The little maid at the side couldn't help laughing when she saw these two people.

Both little guys are adorable.

"Oh, I'm so tired, I can't stand up." Mu Xi immediately sat on the ground, looking extremely tired.

"Little uncle is tired, I'll hug him." Meng Jinghao was taken aback for a moment, then squatted down and wanted to hug Mu Xi, but in the end, not only did he not hug him, but his whole body was pressed on Mu Xi.

Mu Xi wanted to vomit blood.

The little maid quickly hugged Meng Jinghao, and Mu Xi was able to breathe.

"Young master, let's hug you." The little maid looked at Meng Jinghao and said.

"Hug little uncle," Meng Jinghao said, pointing to Mu Xi who had already stood up.

That means holding Mu Xi too.

The little maid shook her hand, but she couldn't hold the two of them.

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