Chapter 17
"I don't have a fever, but it's strange, why is your face so red?" After talking to himself, he asked her again worriedly, "Are you sure you don't have any discomfort?"

Li Qiaomu called this man a fool in his heart.

"No discomfort, I assure you." She raised her hand and said.

Seeing this, Jian Haotian had no choice but to believe her words.

When the young couple came out of the room, it was already half an hour later.

The young couple had already walked to the door of the house at this time.

Li Qiaomu looked at him who was struggling to walk, and asked again with some uneasiness, "Do you really need me to go with you?"

"No, trust me, you pack your things at home, we'll move tomorrow." He smiled softly, and his voice was full of magnetism, clear and clear, even if it was a clear spring flowing by.

When Li Qiaomu was staring at him in a daze, suddenly a sound of brakes came from behind her, interrupting her scrambling like a little deer.

"It's really shameless."

"I knew that having a son was so useless. I should have given birth to one less son. After raising him so much, I married him a wife. In the end, I didn't want my parents for a daughter-in-law. I'm not afraid of thunder."

When the young couple heard the yelling and cursing behind them, the expressions on their faces instantly darkened.

Jian Haotian took a deep breath, and clenched his fist, "Go in, if I don't come back, you'll be in the room, if anyone asks you to come out to work, just pretend you can't hear me."

Li Qiaomu listened to his self-protection inside and out, and his heart was full of joy. He smiled sweetly, as if he had eaten honey, "Got it, take it easy, the three children and I Waiting for your return at home."

Seeing his daughter-in-law's face full of vitality, his restless heart instantly made him feel that there are other colors in this world.

Li Qiaomu watched him leave the house on crutches at the door of the house, until his figure disappeared around the corner, then she looked back and turned to enter the house.

Jian's mother, who was pretending to do things on the side, saw that the young couple completely ignored her existence, and she was already furious in her heart. Now this daughter-in-law was about to enter the house without even looking at her. She was so angry that she threw away her hands The chicken pot, cursing loudly, "Shameless bitch, seduce my son to abandon his parents, be careful to beat the thunder."

It's not that Li Qiaomu didn't hear the cursing behind her, but she's in a good mood now, and she's going to move out from here tomorrow, so she's too lazy to get angry.

She saw a report on the Internet, this person, he should be less angry, or he will grow old too easily.

She has to take good care of herself to make herself younger and younger, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be robbed by other women if the man around her is so good.

Jian Haotian came out of the house on crutches, and after a short walk, he met some uncles and uncles in the village and some companions he had played with since he was a child.

"Uncle Shuijun, Uncle Wangcai." Jian Haotian stopped and greeted them.

The people in the village admire Jian Haotian a lot. The main family members are soldiers who have served in the army, and their legs were injured because they were injured while defending their home and country.

"Haotian, is your leg okay? When will it be healed?" Jian Shuijun asked with concern.

"Haotian, I heard your sister-in-law just told people in the village that your family is going to move out, right?" A villager couldn't help but stepped forward to inquire about this matter.

The smile on Jian Haotian's face froze for a while, "There is such a thing."

(End of this chapter)

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