Chapter 18 Buying Land and Building a House
When the big guys heard that this matter was true, gossip expressions appeared on their faces.

"What's the matter, your leg is still hurting now, why are your parents so cruel, they actually kicked your family out at this time, isn't this taking advantage of others' danger?" The speaker didn't know if he was sincere Said for their family.

Jian Haotian looked at the people present with a dull expression and said, "Thank you uncles for your concern, I still have things to go first."

Without waiting for their reaction, he passed them on crutches and continued walking towards the center of the village.

Obviously it only took a few minutes, but because of his leg, it took him almost ten minutes to walk.

The door of the village chief's house.

Jian Haotian stood at the door of his house and knocked on the door a few times.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman came out to answer the door.

Jian Haotian recognized the other party, and politely shouted at the other party, "Auntie, I'm Haotian, I'm here to look for Uncle Jianjun, I wonder if he's at home?"

Jian Jianjun's daughter-in-law opened the door and saw the tall man standing at the door of her house. She was startled for a while, and then realized who he was, and immediately greeted her with a smile, "It's Haotian boy, my aunt can hardly see you coming, come in quickly. "

As he said that, Jian Jianjun's wife saw that he was leaning on a crutch, and wanted to reach out to help him.

Jian Haotian politely refused, "No need, Auntie, I can go by myself."

Seeing this, Jian Jianjun's daughter-in-law withdrew her extended hand, but made a wider path for others to come in.

The two had just entered the yard one after the other when Jian Haotian heard a woman's shouting from behind.

"Dongsheng's father, Haotian is here, come out and meet him."

Not a while after she finished shouting, Jian Haotian quickly saw the person he was looking for come out of it.

As soon as Jian Jianjun came out, he saw Jian Haotian standing in the yard, and immediately quickened his pace, "Haotian is here, sit down quickly, don't stand still."

Jian Haotian smiled politely at him, "Thank you uncle." After sitting down, he said to him, "Uncle, you sit too. I came here this time to find you, let's sit down and talk slowly."

Jian Jianjun sat down with a smile, and soon, his eyes touched Jian Haotian's injured leg.

"Haotian, how is your leg? Is it okay?" He asked with concern.

Jian Haotian looked down at his leg, and said with a wry smile, "The doctor said it depends on the situation, and the final result can only be determined by the degree of recovery later."

After Jian Jianjun heard it, he felt sad and sighed, "Haotian, you are the most promising child in our village, God is jealous of talents."

Compared to Jian Jianjun's sadness, Jian Haojun's face was calm as the person involved.

From the accident to the present, he is now slowly accepting the fact that he was injured.

Regardless of how his legs will recover in the end, he will work hard to live a good life with his wife and children.

Seeing that Jian Jianjun was getting more and more sad, Jian Haotian had no choice but to interrupt the sad atmosphere, and said, "Uncle, I came here this time to discuss something with you, I want you to help me divide the village build a house."

"We can buy this land with money." Finally he added this sentence.

When Jian Jianjun heard this, he immediately asked anxiously, "Why are you building a house properly?"

Seeing him like this, Jian Haotian must not know what happened in his home today, so he told him in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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