Chapter 204

The Zhou family in the provincial capital.

Grandma Zhou just woke up at noon, and she is sitting on the sofa at home reading the newspaper.

She doesn't know what's going on these few days. She would feel chest tightness and shortness of breath when she went to bed before, but these two days she feels that this abnormality on her body is gone. Whether it is sleeping during the day or sleeping at night, she will Had a great sleep.

At this moment, a hurried figure ran in quickly from outside.

Grandma Zhou looked at the figure flying in like a gust of wind and took a closer look, only to realize that it was her little daughter.

"What's the matter with you, you are so frizzy, I usually teach you how to walk, you have to walk, why don't you listen." Grandma Zhou was a little angry at the man who ran in front of her. An education for the youngest daughter.

Zhou Tingting let out a long breath, then took Grandma Zhou's hand and shouted, "Mom, don't talk about this, where is my dad?"

"He went outside to look for his old buddies to play chess together. You have something to do with him. If you have to look for him, you can find him in the East Garden of the compound." Grandma Zhou said Said casually.

Zhou Tingting waved her hand, sat down beside her, and said, "I'm not looking for my dad, I'm just asking, I'm here to look for you."

Grandma Zhou immediately took off the glasses she was wearing when she heard what her little daughter said, "Why do you want me?"

Zhou Tingting immediately held Grandma Zhou's arm coquettishly and said, "Mom, do you still have the vegetables you gave me two days ago?"

Grandma Zhou hissed, looked at her daughter seriously and asked, "Didn't I send you a few catties of green vegetables two days ago, and your family ate them all so quickly?"

Zhou Tingting said with a look of embarrassment, "Where did our family eat it? My family used those vegetables for favors. Mom, where did you get these vegetables? Do you still have them?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Tingting asked her mother in front of her to pat her back hard, "You stinky girl, didn't I tell you that green vegetables are good things? Why did you ask your son-in-law to give them away?"

Zhou Tingting quickly stopped Grandma Zhou's hand, "Mom, listen to my explanation, it's not that your son-in-law wanted to give it away, but the fact that when you asked someone to deliver the vegetables that day, your son-in-law's boss came over to talk to him about business, but he stayed behind." We came down and had a light meal, and then people like to eat the vegetables you sent."

"Mom, you also know that your son-in-law hasn't had the chance to get promoted all these years, and now he finally has the chance to be appreciated by his boss. Doesn't your son-in-law want to get some more vegetables to get close to him?"

After hearing this, Grandma Zhou poked her forehead with her hand, "You guys, young Ji Ji didn't learn other things well, so he learned this."

Zhou Tingting rubbed her forehead and muttered in a low voice, "We can't do anything about it. You and Dad don't know how to help us. We can only rely on our own little ideas to move up."

When Grandma Zhou heard her daughter's nagging, she immediately stopped the topic, "These green vegetables were sent by Shuheng. I don't know exactly where he got them. Ask him for you."

Zhou Tingting immediately said, "Mom, no need, I'll ask him myself." After speaking, Zhou Tingting chatted with Grandma Zhou for a few more words, and then ran out in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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