Chapter 205 Buying Fruit Trees

In order to quickly realize his dream, Li Qiaomu decided to buy hundreds of fruit tree seedlings and raise them with spring water first.

Under the guidance of Wen Leibo, she soon learned that there was a person in the next village who specialized in cultivating saplings.

Taking advantage of the time, Li Qiaomu rode his bicycle to the next village immediately.

It is said that it is next door, but it is actually quite far away. If you want to walk, you have to climb over a hill, but now she is riding a bicycle, so she just needs to go around a small river.

When she entered the village on a bicycle, she immediately attracted the curious attention of many villagers in the village.

Li Qiaomu was not afraid of these gazes. Seeing that she was not familiar with this place, she found a little girl from the crowd to ask for directions.

Of course, it wasn't for nothing, she gave him a dime.

When the little girl saw the dime, her eyes were almost glued to the dime.

When Li Qiaomu saw her like this, the corners of his mouth curled up, as long as he loves money, he can do things easily if he loves money.

"Little friend, Auntie wants to ask you for a favor. If you do Auntie a favor, Auntie will give you this dime."

The little girl stared at the dime in her hand for a while before she said, "Auntie, what do you want me to do for you?"

The corner of Li Qiaomu's mouth was happy, and he quickly said, "Auntie wants to find an old man named A Niu in your village. Do you know where he lives?"

"My second uncle, Ah Niu is my second uncle. I know where he is, and I will take you to find him now." The little girl smiled excitedly when she heard that it was such an easy task.

After hearing her words, Li Qiaomu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this to be a coincidence, and he asked someone to find someone's relative to question him.

Soon, under the leadership of the little girl, Li Qiaomu followed her to a thatched hut at the end of the village and stopped.

"This is where my second uncle lives. He should be busy in his back garden now. I'll take you there to find him." The little girl said responsibly.

Before Li Qiaomu could answer, the little girl had already walked towards the back of the thatched cottage.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu continued to follow with a smile.

Sure enough, not long after they left, they soon found a thin old man in a field behind the thatched cottage.

People are burying their heads and howing the weeds in the field.

The little girl shouted to the old man with a cheerful face, "Second Uncle, someone is looking for you."

The old man who was weeding heard the shout, stopped the action of weeding, raised his wrinkled old face and looked this way.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu immediately stepped forward to say hello to him, "Hello, sir, is your name A Niu? My name is Li Qiaomu. I'm from Jian's Village. I'm here to buy some fruit trees from you." Go back and plant."

The old man raised his sunken eyes and looked over. After a while, he heard his hoarse voice asking, "What kind of fruit trees do you want to buy? I only have these fruit trees here. If you want to buy them, come and have a look."

Li Qiaomu looked at it for a while, and finally turned around with a little shame and said to his old man, "Master, I don't know these fruit trees very well, can you tell me what kind of fruit trees they are?"

The old man seemed to have a good temper. After hearing her words, the old man didn't have any anger on his face. Instead, he seriously introduced the names of the trees he cultivated to her.

Listening to his introduction, her eyes couldn't help but light up every time she heard the name of the fruit tree he introduced.

(End of this chapter)

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