Chapter 206 It was him
After he finished introducing, she couldn't wait to tell him the kinds of trees she wanted.

In contrast to Li Qiaomu's excitement, the old man asked her calmly, "Are you sure you really want these kinds of fruit trees?"

Li Qiaomu didn't quite understand why he was asking herself this question carefully, but she didn't think much about it, she quickly answered his question and said, "Yes, that's right, I'm sure what I want is These kinds of fruit trees."

"Girl, the kinds of fruit trees you chose have not been grown by anyone here. Even if someone grows the trees, the fruits will be small and sour. Are you sure you want to plant them again?" ?” A Niubo raised a pair of eclipsed eyes to look at her and asked again.

Li Qiaomu smiled affirmatively, "Yes, I definitely want to plant. I think as long as I find a way to plant trees, I can plant them. If I don't try, it means that we will never be able to plant trees in this place. If these kinds of fruit trees come out, I don't believe in this evil."

A Niubo at the side listened to her words, his eyes showed excitement, "Okay, okay, girl, what you said is very good, young people nowadays must have your determination. Well, just relying on your perseverance in doing things, I will give you these kinds of fruit trees, and if you encounter any difficulties when planting trees, you can come to me and ask at any time, and I will definitely help. "

After hearing his words, Li Qiaomu's eyes also flashed a touch of surprise, "Okay, with your words, old man, I will be more confident."

Just as the two of them were talking in sync, a small voice suddenly broke in.

It turned out that the little girl who had just led Li Qiaomu was asking Li Qiaomu for the dime she had just led the way.

Li Qiaomu looked at the little girl who was eagerly waiting for the money from him, and suddenly smiled embarrassedly, and hurriedly handed her the dime he put in his pocket.

After the little girl got the dime, she stared at it with bright eyes.

This was the first time she had earned money since she was so old. She couldn't help holding the money and sniffing it up to her nose. In the next second, her small face looked like a little money fan.

Li Qiaomu was amused by her appearance.

The little girl, who was indulging in the smell of money, heard the laughter coming from her side, turned around shyly and ran away from here.

A Niubo looked at his family's cute appearance, and cursed in a soft voice, "Stinky girl, you love money so much at such a young age."

Next, Li Qiaomu ordered fifty peach trees, fifty pear trees and fifty cherry trees from him.

The final transaction price is three yuan per tree.

Li Qiaomu first paid a deposit of [-] yuan to A Niubo.

After A Niubo took over the hundred-yuan bills, he asked curiously, "Girl, no one except my family knows what's right here. How did you know about me?"

Li Qiaomu then told him what he had learned from Wen Leibo.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, Uncle Aniu looked at her excitedly and asked, "Master, Master, no, how is he in Brunei?"

When Li Qiaomu saw his excited expression, he knew that the two had some old stories.

But she didn't ask, but seriously answered the question he just asked, "The old man is doing well now, and our family is now living at home in Brunei."

"Okay, okay, as long as it's fine, as long as he's fine." A Niubo turned his head excitedly and secretly wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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