Chapter 219
It was only then that Li Qiaomu remembered that the man beside her was really a good man. He didn't smoke and drank occasionally, but he wasn't the kind who liked alcohol.

"Forget it, your five yuan is too little, it can't help me, you might as well pretend it yourself." Knowing that it was his kindness, she patted his arm and said.

Jian Haotian took care of putting half of the Wang Yuan he had paid back into his pocket.

Looking at his daughter-in-law who was still frowning for money, Jian Haotian asked again, "How much is missing?"

Li Qiaomu took his hand and seriously talked to him about his future plans, "Let me tell you the truth, I plan to go over there to make a big deal, and I want to buy some electronic products and sell them here. , this thing is in the most demand now, and it will definitely make a lot of money, but we have little money on us, so I'm afraid we won't be able to get a lot of goods."

At this moment, she realized that no matter what age she was in, the lack of money was really too damn uncomfortable, so she must make money, make a lot of money, so as not to let this feeling linger in her heart again.

Jian Haotian pursed his lips, and firmly held her hand, "Don't worry about money, leave it to me, and I'll take care of it."

Upon hearing this, Li Qiaomu looked at him, "What should you do?"

He didn't answer, but just said, "I have a solution, don't worry, how much more do we need?"

Li Qiaomu saw that he didn't seem to be in trouble, and finally stretched out a finger slowly, "1 yuan, is it okay?"

Jian Haotian pursed his lips again, "Sure, no problem, I'll find a way, let's set off tomorrow afternoon, what do you think?"

After hearing his words, Li Qiaomu rubbed his cheeks with his hands in disbelief, "Did you hear clearly what I said just now?"

Jian Haotian grabbed her two hands in a funny way, then put them on his lips and sipped lightly, "I can hear you clearly, I can hear you clearly, don't worry, my ears are not deaf, your man."

"I just mentioned 1 yuan, 1 yuan, you really didn't even worry about it and borrowed it for me? What if I lose the 1 yuan at that time?"

"If I lose money at that time, I will work hard to make money, and one day I can repay the borrowed money, as long as you are happy." He replied casually.

After Li Qiaomu heard it, he felt happy, and happily stepped forward to hug him, "Jian Haotian, if you treat me like this, I will be spoiled by you."

Jian Haotian lowered his head and kissed the top of the daughter-in-law in his arms, and his tone was full of pampering, "If you spoil it, spoil it. Anyway, you are my daughter-in-law, and I am willing to spoil you."

Hearing his words, Li Qiaomu happily hugged him tightly.

Soon, the temperature in the bedroom rose, the white mosquito net slowly fell, and an indescribable night movement officially began.

The next day, when Li Qiaomu woke up, the man beside him had already gone to work.

Looking at the warm breakfast in the kitchen, Li Qiaomu finished it with pink bubbles in his heart.

After breakfast, Li Qiaomu went to the village and bought two chickens. He planned to make a pot of spicy chicken nuggets and take them on the road as a snack to satisfy his hunger.

After buying chickens and returning home, she was killing them, and Jian Chunhua brought her little daughter over.

"Sister Li, let me come." Jian Chunhua asked her little daughter to play aside, and then hurried over to help.

Li Qiaomu moved a seat for her, and by the way, told her that he was going on a long trip in the afternoon.

"How long are you going to travel, what about the cooking?" Jian Chunhua asked a little nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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