Chapter 220 Delicious
During this period of time, because she worked here, not only did she get wages every day, but when she went back at noon, Li Meizi was quite nice, and she often asked her to bring a bowl of vegetables home. Because of this, their life is now easier than before. Not a lot.

The complexions of the three children and the two elderly people are slowly turning red now. She really doesn't want such a good job opportunity to end.

Li Qiaomu saw that she was nervous, so he explained to her, "Don't worry, I just want to discuss this matter with you. It will take me ten and a half months to come back from a long trip, so I just want to ask You, is there any problem with you doing these tasks alone, if there is a problem, I will stop while I am away, and I can continue when I come back. "

"No problem, I have no problem doing it alone." Jian Chunhua replied without thinking.

Li Qiaomu was afraid that she would be brave, so he asked her again and again, "Sister Chunhua, are you sure you have no problem, there are so many people's food."

"No problem, really no problem, you trust me, I can do it." Jian Chunhua reassured.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu agreed, "Okay, then please, Sister Chunhua, please be busy during this time. Don't worry, I will double the salary for you. In addition, please help my family to do it when the time comes." meals."

"Okay, no problem, you can rest assured and leave it to me." Jian Chunhua knew that her job was guaranteed, and immediately patted her chest happily.

The two were talking and working, and the two chickens were killed in a short while.

Li Qiaomu cut the two chickens into small pieces and deep-fried them once until they were golden and crispy, then took them out, and finally put them in the pan and fried them together with some ingredients of chili and cumin, a pot of spicy chicken The block can be out of the pot.

Jian Chunhua on the side watched Li Qiaomu's series of actions without daring to blink.

When the pot of spicy and fragrant chicken nuggets came out of the pot, even an adult, she couldn't help but swallowed greedily.

The little girl Jian Qinglan was already attracted by the smell to the kitchen door to watch.

When Li Qiaomu turned around, he happened to see this little figure who hadn't had time to hide.

She smiled, walked over and pulled the little guy who was hiding at the door into the kitchen, then took a small bowl and picked five or six pieces of chicken from the big basin and put them in the small bowl.

"Try it." She smiled and said to the little guy.

The little girl Jian Qinglan smiled sweetly, took the small bowl immediately, took a piece of chicken nugget from it, and put it in her mouth. The next second, the little guy was so hot that his tears were full of tears, but he shouted, "Yummy, good!" eat."

Li Qiaomu was amused by her appearance, "Why are you crying because it's delicious? If you think it's spicy, don't eat it. Don't be too spicy."

She had forgotten that children cannot eat spicy food.

"No, I want to eat. This chicken nugget is delicious. I'm not afraid of spicy food." Xiao Qinglan said stubbornly.

Li Qiaomu was amused by her stubbornness, "If you feel hot, drink some water."

After giving the order, Li Qiaomu didn't bother with her any more, and gave her and Jian Chunhua each a bowl of chicken nuggets.

"Try one piece." Li Qiaomu brought her a bowl of chicken nuggets.

Jian Chunhua just wanted to refuse, but before the words came out of her mouth, Li Qiaomu stuffed a piece of chicken into her mouth in time.

Seeing this, the little girl Jian Qinglan burst into laughter.

Jian Chunhua looked helplessly at her daughter who was snickering, then at Li Qiaomu who was smiling at the corner of her eyes, and finally had no choice but to smile and slowly eat the chicken nuggets in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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