The Age of Rebirth: The Veteran Rough Man Carried His Hot Wife Home

Chapter 224 I Will Not Take Advantage Of This For Nothing

Chapter 224 I Will Not Take Advantage Of This For Nothing
Li Qiaomu glanced at the calm Jian Haotian, her intuition told her that this old man's identity is not simple.

"Water, do you have any water here?" At this moment, a middle-aged man surrounding the old man looked at the couple anxiously and asked.

Li Qiaomu quickly took out a bottle of water from the basket he brought and handed it to the middle-aged man who had just asked the question.

After the middle-aged man took it, he unscrewed the lid anxiously, and then carefully fed the old man to drink water.

After drinking two sips of water, the old man finally stopped coughing, and his blushing face slowly returned to normal.

The big guys finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing him like this.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally ate chili peppers, I scared you." After Mr. Zhang calmed down, he apologized to those who were worried about him with a look of embarrassment.

The middle-aged men around him smiled and said it was okay.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu couldn't help but look at the old man more. He seemed to be the same, except that he was a little older than these people.

"Comrade, your water is quite delicious. Can you give me this bottle of water I drank?" At this moment, Mr. Zhang turned his head to look at Li Qiaomu.

Li Qiaomu was startled, and before she could answer, the old man spoke again, "Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you for nothing, I will pay, do you think it's okay?"

Seeing an old man talking to him in such a low voice, Li Qiaomu couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly said, "Take it, it's not expensive anyway, it's just water from home, no need to pay for it."

Mr. Zhang took the bottle of water from the middle-aged man who was holding the water, and he took a few more sips.

The water was quite sweet, and after he drank it, he felt his stomach, which was rolling after a long day of driving, suddenly calmed down.

"Then I'm not going to be polite, thank you comrades, by the way, comrades, where do you live and where are you going?"

Li Qiaomu did not immediately answer his two questions, but first glanced at Jian Haotian, and after he nodded, she continued to answer these two questions, "We live in Jianjia Village in County S, We came out this time to go out for a stroll.”

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang smiled. He could see that the girl's last sentence was not telling the truth.

But he also knew that they had just met, and it was normal for people to be wary of them.

Next, Mr. Zhang stayed here and ate several pieces of spicy chicken nuggets before the people around him asked him to leave.

Seeing him get in the car and leave, Li Qiaomu turned his head to look at the man beside him who had been silent all this time, "Do you think the identity of this old man called Mr. Zhang is not very simple?"

Jian Haotian tidied up the tableware that was put out, and when he heard her words, he stopped his movements, "Did you see it?"

As soon as Li Qiaomu heard his words, he knew that this man must know something, so he quickly sat next to him and asked what he didn't know, "How about it, did you see something, or do you know this man?" Who is Mr. Zhang? "

"I don't know him, but haven't you noticed? Those people are all around this old man Zhang. Whenever he has something to do, they are all nervous. You can tell that this old man is among them. high status."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the daughter-in-law beside her was still thinking about this matter, she reached out and rubbed the top of her head, "Don't think about it, anyway, we only saw this side of him, and we don't know if we will have a chance to see you again. Think about leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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