Chapter 225 I fell asleep with a pillow
Hearing what he said, Li Qiaomu felt that it made sense, and quickly put the question in his mind behind him.

Soon, the young couple packed up the tableware and continued to drive on the road.

at the same time.

On a bus, several middle-aged men sitting next to Mr. Zhang found that Mr. Zhang sitting next to them had been staring at the bottle of water in his hand in a daze since he got on the bus.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter, is there something wrong with this bottle of water?" One of them asked nervously.

At this time, Mr. Zhang turned his head to look at them and asked, "Do you feel any difference in this bottle of water?"

As soon as they heard his question, they immediately stared at the bottle of water in his hand with serious eyes.

As a result, the few of them looked at it for a while, but they didn't notice the difference in the bottle of water in his hand.

"I can't tell. Is there any difference in this bottle of water? How can I see that it is the same as the water we usually drink." A middle-aged man replied.

"Is it the same?" Seeing that they all said that, Mr. Zhang looked at the bottle of water in thought.

On the other side, the young couple arrived at their destination in the middle of the night.

With the experience of coming here last time, this time, the young couple directly found a hotel to live in first.

After driving all night, the young couple got to the room, took a hot bath and began to fall asleep.

This time, the two of them slept until noon before getting up.

After eating, the young couple drove directly to the largest wholesale market here.

Not long after they left the wholesale market, they ran into Xian Qinglan who had traded once last time.

"It's really you, big girl. I saw you in the distance just now, and I thought I was mistaken, but it really is you." Xian Qinglan held Li Qiaomu's hand enthusiastically and said.

Jian Haotian at the side didn't feel embarrassed, and stood behind his wife like a door god.

Xian Qinglan was envious of the young couple's affection.

"Sister, do you want to pick up clothes again this time? Let me tell you, my store has picked up a lot of good things recently. They are all for winter, and this style is also the latest."

Before Li Qiaomu could speak, she dragged her in to look at the clothes for a while. I have to say, this Boss Xian's vision is really good. If she is wholesale clothes this time, she will definitely buy a lot from here. Goods go back.

Seeing her trying so hard to sell to her, Li Qiaomu interrupted her with a look of embarrassment, "Sister Xian, I'm so sorry, I'm not here to wholesale clothes this time, I'm here to wholesale other things .”

Xian Qinglan was stunned when she heard this, and quickly said with a smile, "It's okay if you don't wholesale clothes, I just think you can chat with my sister, if you want to wholesale clothes in the future, remember to come to me."

Li Qiaomu's attitude was still the same when he saw her, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more serious, "Don't worry, sister Xian, if I want to wholesale clothes again next time, I will definitely think of you first."

Xian Qinglan smiled happily, "Sister, what do you want to wholesale this time? I have worked in this market for many years, and I know a lot of things. You can definitely ask me."

Li Qiaomu's eyes lit up, he really fell asleep with a pillow.

She really lacks a familiar guide here.

"Great, since you've said that, Sister Xian, then I'm not going to be polite. It's like this. I want to buy some electronic products and sell them back, even if they are electronic watches, and pagers. ?"

(End of this chapter)

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