Chapter 226 Are you sure?
When Xian Qinglan heard this, she looked at her twice in surprise, "Sister, the wholesale price of these things you mentioned is quite high, do you really want to buy these things?"

"I'm sure I want to buy it. I know those things are expensive, but I still want to try it." Li Qiaomu said with a smile.

Xian Qinglan saw that she decided to do this business, she pursed her lower lip, and said quickly, "I know a man who has these things in his hand, I'll take you to see him."

When Li Qiaomu heard this, his face changed, and he squeezed Xian Qinglan's hand tightly, "Sister Xian, you are really my lucky star, thank you."

Xian Qinglan smiled and waved her hands, "You're too polite, you also bought me a lot of clothes last time."

After talking nicely, Xian Qinglan called a waiter to watch the store, and quickly led the young couple to the innermost part of the wholesale market.

If it wasn't for someone leading the way, Li Qiaomu wouldn't have known that there were some interesting people and things hidden in this wholesale market.

"My friend has his own purchase channel. Almost all the things sold in our market are taken from him. You can rest assured of the quality of his hands." Xian Qinglan followed the little girl behind her as she walked. Two explanations.

"His goods don't come from unknown sources, right?" Jian Haotian asked aloud at this time.

When Xian Qinglan heard his voice, she purposely looked behind him twice more.

She always felt that there seemed to be a sense of righteousness in this Sister Li's man, the kind that she felt flustered when she took a second look now.

After quickly looking back, Xian Qinglan quickly answered his question, "No, my friend's goods are all the ones that are clearly known. Don't worry, if the source is really unknown, those things on the market will not be sold. No, otherwise, those investigators would have arrested him long ago."

After Jian Haotian got the answer he wanted, he quickly continued to stand behind Li Qiaomu like a transparent person.

Seeing his attitude, Xi Qinglan was shocked again.

Soon, led by Xian Qinglan, the three of them finally arrived at the door of a closed shop at the innermost part of the wholesale market.

Li Qiaomu looked at Xian Qinglan.

Xian Qinglan immediately told her, "Don't worry, he's inside, that's what he is, he goes out to play at night, and sleeps here during the day, as long as he takes a picture of the door of his shop."

As soon as the words fell, she immediately stepped forward to knock on the door, and still knocked hard.

"Qiao San, get up, here are the guests." Xian Qinglan slammed on the shop door, and shouted inside.

Li Qiaomu, who was standing behind her, listened to her yelling, so why did it sound like she was calling a woman in a brothel in ancient times.

After she shouted three sentences, there was finally movement from inside.

Now Li Qiao finally believed what Xian Qinglan said just now, there was really someone in it.

It was the first time she saw someone doing business without opening the door to do business.

Soon the closed shop was opened from the inside, and a yawning man came out who hadn't had enough sleep.

"So it's Sister Xian, what's the matter, are you missing Brother Qiao?" The man joked at Xian Qinglan with a smile on his face.

Seeing his sloppy appearance, Xian Qinglan glared at him, then pointed to Li Qiaomu and introduced to him, "This is my friend, she wants to get some electronic watches, how many do you have here?" goods?"

Only then did Qiao San notice a man and a woman standing behind Xian Qinglan.

(End of this chapter)

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