Chapter 227

When his gaze was looking at Jian Haotian, his eyes that were full of anger stayed on Jian Haotian a few more times.

"Come in." He immediately opened the shop door.

As soon as the three of them walked in, Li Qiaomu was a little dumbfounded looking at the scene in the shop.

This is not a shop, it's almost like a waste collection station, there are things everywhere, and there is no place to stay.

"The house is a little messy, you can find a place to stand yourself." Qiao San stood behind them and said with a nonchalant expression.

Xian Qinglan glared at him at this time, "Give me a good greeting to my friend, this girl Li is my friend."

Qiao San nodded, "Don't worry, I won't treat your friend badly."

As he spoke, he immediately looked at the young couple, "What do you two want to buy? The electronic watch is in that bag, and the radio and pager are on the other side. You can choose by yourself."

Li Qiaomu followed the direction he pointed, and sure enough, he found several sacks in the corner.

That's right, it's sacks. People actually put these expensive things that are sold outside in sacks and just throw them in a corner.

"I want to see the electronic watch and the pager." Li Qiaomu suppressed his surprise and told him about his request.

After hearing this, Qiao San didn't say a word, grabbed her hair and pulled two sacks to her, "Everything you said is in these two sacks, you can choose as many as you want, and what color you want."

At this time, Li Qiaomu suddenly remembered a saying that was circulated on the Internet. In a certain place, a person wearing slippers might have several houses behind him.

Looking at his unrestrained appearance, doesn't he seem to be the kind of identity mentioned on the Internet in later generations?

"I won't pick if I choose. I want to ask if I take more, how will the price be calculated?" She looked at him and asked.

Qiao San took a look at the young couple, "An electronic watch costs 15 yuan each, and a pager costs [-] yuan."

Before Li Qiaomu came here, he deliberately inquired about the retail prices of these two models on the market. The cheapest electronic watch sold outside was 25 yuan, and the most expensive one could sell for 40 yuan.

As for the pager, because it is a new thing, there are very few floating in the market, and they are all priceless.

Li Qiaomu could see that he really gave her the lowest price.

Because of this, she was too embarrassed to bargain with others.

Because the price can't be lowered anymore.

"Okay, then I want two hundred of the electronic watch first, and fifty of the pager." Li Qiaomu immediately reported the amount he wanted.

When she reported this, Qiao San seriously looked at the lesbian in front of him who wanted to buy goods from him.

"Okay, Comrade Li, right? I don't see how courageous you are. I've been doing this for a long time, and this is the first time I've met such a big client like you. How about this? Seeing as you were brought by Sister Xian , is my big customer again, let me give you a few more things."

He would be a fool if he didn't want something, so Li Qiaomu naturally asked for it and thanked him.

After talking about this matter, Li Qiaomu suddenly thought about the computer that his eldest son asked him for.

"By the way, Brother Qiao, I want to ask if you can get a computer here?" Li Qiaomu asked him.

Qiao Sanyi, who was winking at Xian Qinglan, heard her question, and looked at her in surprise again, "You want to get a computer?"

Seeing that he was so surprised, Li Qiaomu laughed, "Yeah, what's the matter, can't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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