Chapter 232 My Wife Manages Money

Li Qiaomu smiled and took out three electronic watches and two toys from his backpack.

"These three are for Chaohui and the others to study, and these two toys are for those who are not in school. You can play with them." Li Qiaomu patted their heads and said.

The three of Li Zhaohui and the others got the electronic watch, and the three pairs of eyes were shining brightly, groping for how to use this thing in their hands.

At this moment, Second Brother Li snatched what was in his son's hand and exclaimed, "Little sister, is this an electronic watch?"

At this time, Li Qiaomu looked at his second brother in surprise, "Second brother, do you still know this thing?"

Brother Li pulled his hair embarrassingly, and said, "I saw someone wearing it when I was looking for a job in the city, so this is really an electronic watch?"

"Well, indeed." Li Qiaomu nodded and replied.

Li Zhaohui anxiously wanted to get his things back from his father's hands, but he failed to get them after several attempts.

"Dad, my sister-in-law gave this to me, you can't take it away." Li Zhaohui shouted anxiously to Second Brother Li.

"Wait a minute first, do you know what this thing my aunt gave you is an electronic watch, we sell it for 50 yuan in the city now, be careful, don't break it." Second brother Li looked baby I gave this electronic watch to my son.

As soon as his words fell, it caused a sensation in this family again.

"Second brother, what you just said is true. Does this little thing really cost 50 yuan each?" Brother Li asked, pointing to the thing in his younger son's hand.

Brother Li quickly replied, "Of course it's true. I've seen this thing at the home of my boss before. His son is wearing one of these things. It's exactly the same. I heard from the boss that this thing is called Electronic watches are hard to find and the price is quite high.”

After everyone listened, they immediately turned to Li Qiaomu who gave the three of them electronic watches.

Mother Li even patted Li Qiaomu's arm lightly, "You child, you can just give them a few pens, why give them such a valuable thing, take it back quickly."

When they heard that they were going to take it back, the three children of the Li family who were holding three electronic watches looked at Li Qiaomu nervously.

I was afraid that their sister-in-law would really listen to their grandma and take back the electronic watches they were holding.

Li Qiaomu gave them a comforting smile, "Don't be afraid, my sister-in-law gave you this thing, it's yours, and your sister-in-law gave it to you and never took it back, just keep it."

With what their sister-in-law said, the three little guys who were still nervous just now felt relieved.

The three little guys were still worried that their family members would snatch their electronic watches away, so they each found an excuse to leave and ran out from here.

Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li wanted to stop them, but their children ran so fast that they couldn't stop them.

Mother Li saw that she couldn't talk about her big-minded daughter, so she finally had to focus on her son-in-law who was always by her side, "Little Jane, Qiao Mu is such a good spender, you have to take good care of him." She, your family has just moved out of Old Jane's house, and there are a lot of places to spend money, so you can't spend money indiscriminately."

Jian Haotian smiled and said to Li's mother, "Mom, I don't count on what I say. My wife is in charge of my family now, and I have to listen to her."

(End of this chapter)

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