Chapter 233 Don't Cry
As soon as Li's mother heard what her son-in-law said, she knew that what she said was in vain.

Sister-in-law Li and Second Sister-in-law were very grateful to sister-in-law for giving their family such a valuable gift.

The two sisters-in-law hurried to the kitchen and made a hearty breakfast to greet the couple.

The young couple had the wrong breakfast at their mother's house, and chatted for a while before driving home.

When they got home, there was no one in the house, but the house was clean, and it didn't turn into a garbage dump because the couple were not at home.

The news of the young couple's return alarmed Wen Leibo who lived next door.

Wen Leibo, who heard the movement, came over to check, and found that the young couple who had traveled far away had returned.

"It's you who came back. I heard the movement just now, and thought someone came to your house." Seeing that it was the young couple who came back, Wen Leibo said with a smile.

Li Qiaomu smiled, and quickly took out the gift he brought back for him.

It is a pair of cotton knee pads, which are especially suitable for the elderly in winter.

Li Qiaomu knew that Wen Leibo's feet were not very good because of the reasons in the past few years, especially in winter, his feet hurt every night, and he couldn't sleep all night.

When Wen Leibo saw this pair of knee pads, his eyes immediately became moist.

He really didn't expect that he had been suffering for so many years, and his relatives around him were gone. He originally thought that he would spend the rest of his life alone, but in the end, God treated him better again. When he was about to grow old, he sent this young couple to take care of him.

Thinking of this, Wen Leibo's eyes became more and more red.

Seeing these changes in the old man, Li Qiaomu was startled, and quickly wiped him with the back of his hand, "Oh, don't cry, don't cry, what's there to cry about, isn't it just a pair of knee pads, if you If you want it, I will buy it for you later.”

Only then did Wen Leibo realize that he was too excited, tears flowed down in front of their young couple unconsciously, and let the young couple see.

Always saving face, he immediately turned his head and wiped his eye sockets with the back of his hand, and said to her, "I didn't cry, who did, you read wrong, I won't cry."

Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian looked at each other, and the young couple looked at the stubborn little old man in front of them with smiles on their faces.

Li Qiaomu knew that the old man cared about saving face, so he followed his words, "Yes, yes, you didn't cry, but we misunderstood, so do you still want this knee pad?"

As soon as Wen Leibo heard this, he immediately snatched the pair of knee pads from his hand, and hugged it in his arms with a baby face, "Who said I don't want it, of course I want it." The thing quickly ran back to the next door.

The young couple looked at his back as he ran back, looked at each other, and shook their heads and smiled at the same time.

Half an hour later, when the young couple brought their things into the house, Jian Chunhua brought her little daughter over to make lunch.

Li Qiaomu gave another gift to Xiao Qinglan's child.

It was a doll, and none of the children in this village had ever seen such a precious thing.

Xiao Qinglan looked at this human-like toy in front of her, she couldn't put it down, she kept holding it.

Although Jian Chunhua didn't know the price of this doll, she could guess that it must not be cheap.

"Sister Li, your toy must be very expensive. I can't let you spend it. Otherwise, I don't want today's wages." Jian Chunhua saw that her little daughter liked this toy so much, so she decided to buy it cruelly.

(End of this chapter)

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