Chapter 241 Disagree

The second brother Jian sneered when he heard this, "Tell me now, what's the point of telling me now, they've already spent all their money and bought these clothes wholesale, so what's the use of talking about it now?"

It is generally said that honest people usually look honest, but if they are really bullied to the extreme, it will be terrible for honest people to explode.

At this time, Second Brother Jian was like this. He felt aggrieved when he thought that his family had done such a big thing without telling the couple.

It feels like the couple have done so much for this family, but the people in this family have never treated them as human beings, and they feel pain in their hearts.

"Second brother, what do you mean by what you look like now? Are you blaming us for being parents? Besides, didn't you just say that all the money in the family is given to your elder brother to do business? If he Earned, isn’t it our family who benefited, don’t you still fear that your elder brother won’t help your second younger brother?”

The second brother Jian sneered when he heard this, "It's really nice to say, a few years ago, the eldest brother went to the city to buy a job, and you told me the same way, saying that the eldest brother went to the city to make money. It will get better and better, and the people in this family will benefit, but in the end, our family has not benefited from him at all. On the contrary, he has worked in the city for so many years, and he has never brought a penny into the family. Instead, I have to post it for him at home."

Brother Jian, who had been pretending not to know anything, heard this, and immediately threw the chopsticks in his hand towards Brother Jian, pointed at him viciously and asked, "Second brother, what do you mean by this sentence, what do you mean?" This is blaming me, the big brother, right?"

The second brother Jian looked at the chopsticks thrown on his face, sneered again, and looked at the family with ashes, "Yes, I'm just blaming you, you claim to be the big brother, but you look like the big brother Well, if it wasn't for the third younger brother who has been sending money home all these years, the whole family would have starved to death. Also, if our husband and wife hadn't worked so hard in the fields, you still have food Do you want to eat?"

Brother Jian stared at the younger brother with red eyes.

He could tell that the second brother looked down on him as the eldest brother from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't take your husband and wife so seriously. Let me tell you, I'm going to get rich this time. Just wait until you're jealous." When Brother Jian thought of the big bags of clothes in the room, victory flashed in his eyes. joy.

Seeing this, Second Brother Jian snorted coldly.

At this time, he looked at Jian's father, "Dad, I also want to separate from my third brother."

The second sister-in-law Jian who was sitting next to him looked at him excitedly when she heard what he said.

After waiting for so many years, is she finally going to wait?
In fact, these days, seeing how the three younger siblings live so well after being separated from this family, she is really envious from the bottom of her heart.

She also thought that it would be great if she could be separated from this family.

It's just that she knew that without the support of the man next to her pillow, it would be useless for her to even think about it.

As soon as he said this, the dinner table fell silent.

Jian's mother immediately shouted excitedly, "No, I don't agree."

For Jian's mother's reaction, the second brother Jian had already guessed in his heart at this time. When he mentioned this matter, he had already guessed that there would be this result.

(End of this chapter)

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