Chapter 242 Deserving it
At this time, he turned his head calmly and looked at Jian's mother who was agitated and stopped him, "Mom, do you really want to force me to death, right? The elder brother is your son, and the third brother and I are not you." your son, isn't it?"

Jian's mother was shocked by the whole person who asked this sentence.

"Why am I forcing you? Anyway, I don't agree to the separation." Jane's mother shook her head and refused.

At this time, Second Brother Jian called his wife and daughter, "It doesn't matter if you agree or not. I have decided to divide this family. We won't eat today's meal. You can eat as a family. Let's go."

Leaving this sentence behind, Second Brother Jian strode away with his wife and daughter.

Jian's mother was so angry that she wanted to chase her out, but as soon as she stood up, she was pulled back by the eldest son beside her. ,

"Mom, what are you stopping him for? I want to see if he will regret it when I get rich." Brother Jian stopped Mother Jian who was about to rush forward to pull someone back.

Jian's mother couldn't shake off the elder son's hand, and finally could only watch helplessly as the second son and the others left the house and walked out of the house.

Outside, every house in the village was filled with the smell of fireworks. To the second brother Jian's family, their backs walking on this unusually quiet village path at this time looked a bit bleak.

"Da Ya's father, don't be sad, you still have me, Da Ya and Er Ya, we will always be by your side, and our family of four will be able to live our own lives well." The second sister-in-law Jian looked downcast of his own man, and preached to him distressedly.

The second brother Jian heard the words of encouragement from his daughter-in-law, and suddenly seemed to be full of energy to live on, "Well, I know, I have you, I will not fall down, don't worry, I will protect you mother and daughter Three people, I will not let you continue to follow me and be wronged in that family.":
The second sister-in-law Jian had a happy face, she held his hand and said, "I'm not wronged, as long as our family is together, no matter what happens, I won't feel wronged."

Seeing that he couldn't go back to the house in the back, Brother Jian pursed his lips, and finally planned to walk in another direction with his wife and daughter with a cheeky belt.

"Mom, where is my electronic watch? Where did you put it? Give it to me. I want an electronic watch too." After dinner, Jian Qingyu realized that both her elder brother and younger sister had presents, and that the electronic watch on the elder brother's hand made him feel ashamed. He likes it very much.

Hearing what his second son said, Li Qiaomu looked at him with a funny face and asked, "Now that I know I want a gift, why didn't I see you asking for it when I escaped?"

Jian Qingyu rubbed the tip of her nose unreasonably, "I was afraid that you would hit me at the time."

"Then why are you not afraid of me hitting you now?" Li Qiaomu looked at him with a funny face and asked.

Jian Qingyu rolled her eyes at this time, and hugged her with a flattering expression, "Oh, I knew Mom that you would not want to hit me, because I am your own, are you willing to hit me?"

"Why am I so reluctant to beat you? Of course I will. As long as you make a mistake, I will beat you. You are really good at it. Who told you to do that kind of thing secretly?" Li knew what the second son had done during the few days when they were not at home.

It turned out that this kid actually threw a weasel into Old Jane's chicken coop in order to avenge her. I heard that a chicken died at Old Jane's house that night.

Jian Qingyu touched her head that had been poked, and said in her mouth that she did not admit her mistake, "They deserve it. Who told them to always bully our family and you? I am doing justice for the heavens."

(End of this chapter)

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