Chapter 247 Too Strange
Brother Jian looked at this daughter without distress at all, and was still cursing, "Damn girl, I'm your father, and it's not up to you to make decisions about this family. Besides, who am I buying this electronic watch for? In our family, if I have an electronic watch, your third uncle will definitely be jealous to death."

After saying these words, Brother Jian happily asked passers-by to take him to buy an electronic watch.

Jian Xiang looked at his father who had gone away with resentful and dissatisfied eyes.

On the other side, Brother Jian followed passers-by with a happy face to the electronic watch stand, and was about to ask someone to bring him an electronic watch, but just opened his mouth, only to realize that the person who sold the watch was none other than His third sibling.

When Li Qiaomu heard the shouting voice, he was wondering why the voice sounded so familiar, but when he looked up, he found that the owner of the voice was actually her man's good brother.

The two looked at each other, one with contempt, and the other with shock.

At this time, Li Qiaomu said to Brother Jian who was in a daze, "Hey, isn't this Big Brother? Big Brother, why are you here? Don't tell me you want to buy my electronic watch too?"

Brother Jian doesn't have the intention to buy this electronic watch at this time, he just wants to escape from here quickly.

He never thought that the person who sold the electronic watch was actually his third sibling.

"No, I won't buy it, you made a mistake." After saying this, Brother Jian quickly escaped from here with big strides.

With a disdainful smile on the corner of Li Qiaomu's mouth, he looked at his running back.

Brother Jian didn't know how long he had been running, he only knew that his leg was about to break, so he ran to their booth.

Jian Xiang was sending away a difficult customer when he saw his father, who had just been arguing to buy an electronic watch, come back.

She looked at his hand, it was empty.

"Dad, where's your electronic watch? Didn't you just say you were going to buy it? Have you bought it?"

Just now when her father went to buy some land, she thought about it again. It would be great if her father really bought the electronic watch, because she wanted to take a good look at this thing and planned to sell it next time.

Brother Jian felt ashamed when he thought of the people he met there.

In addition, when I heard my daughter's words, I became even more angry in my heart, and yelled at the daughter angrily, "What to buy? You are rich, right? I shouldn't have believed you in the first place. After batching so many clothes to sell, and now only a few pieces are bought in an hour, it’s better to sell electronic watches like your third aunt.”

When Jian Xiang heard this, he looked at Brother Jian with wide eyes, "Dad, what did you just say, the person selling electronic watches over there is my third aunt, and they are selling electronic watches?"

"That's right, they're selling electronic watches, and they're also selling pagers. Many people with good business are queuing up at her side. It's not like our side. There are not even any customers." Looking at his stall With this depressed situation in front of him, Brother Jian was so angry that he wanted to vomit old blood.

After Jian Xiang heard his father's words, hatred flashed in his eyes.

She couldn't understand why every time her third aunt and the others could earn a lot of money ahead of her, but she could only follow behind them to pick up some ways to make money that they didn't want.

Thinking of this, Jian Xiang couldn't help bursting out a strong hatred in his eyes.

When Brother Jian turned his head and saw this look in his daughter's eyes, he was startled.

Only then did Brother Jian realize that the daughter in front of him made him feel too strange.

(End of this chapter)

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