Chapter 248
On the other hand, after Li Qiaomu and Li Dongsheng worked together to sell the goods, they saw fewer and fewer customers and fewer goods on hand. The two siblings finally had to call it a day.

Li Dongsheng looked at the few pagers left, and asked Li Qiaomu who said he was going to call it a day, "Third Sister, we obviously haven't sold them out, why don't we wait until they are sold out before calling it a day?"

In his opinion, now that the business is so good, he should sell all these things in one go.

Li Qiaomu smiled when he heard his words, and looked around at the people. At this time, there were not many customers in front of their small stall.

The bustle just now had dissipated, and the guests who came now also left soon after hearing the price they quoted.

"Don't wait, I guess we won't be able to sell it if we wait any longer. Let's just put it aside, maybe it will be useful in the future." This time I made a lot of money, and the temporary pressure of these pagers in her hands didn't affect her much. .

Li Dongsheng didn't say anything more after listening, and quickly threw himself into the work of cleaning up with his third sister.

After tidying up, Li Dongsheng shouted happily, "Sister, these things are too easy to sell today."

When he thought about those people buying electronic watches with money as if they didn't need money today, he recalled the scene of selling clothes last time.

"Of course it's easy to sell. The electronic watches and pagers we sell are dozens or even hundreds of dollars cheaper than those in department stores. Anyone with a brain will choose to buy them from us."

"Sister, I found out that your brain is really powerful. Every time you go out to wholesale things, you can sell them very well. I knew there would be nothing wrong with following you." At this time, Li Dongsheng looked at the third sister in front of him with admiration.

Li Qiaomu smiled and gave him a blank look, "Stop flattering me, I'll tell you."

Seeing that she didn't believe what he said, Li Dongsheng quickly assured her again, "Sister San, what I said is true, I'm not flattering you."

Li Qiaomu interrupted him with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's talk about business."

"How's the situation on the mountain?" She didn't go up the mountain to check the situation for several days because of the electronic watch.

Li Dongsheng immediately replied, "Well, the tree is almost finished."

"By the way, Ah Lai, the green vegetables on our side can be picked again."

"Did you do what I told you before?" she asked again.

Li Dongsheng was startled for a moment, and then immediately figured out what his third sister meant by asking.

"I did as you said, watering in the morning and evening, I have people watering it, and I also keep an eye on it myself, don't worry, it won't mess around."

Seeing that there were really no customers here, the two siblings cleaned up the stall completely, got on a tricycle and set off in the direction of Jian's Village.

When the two siblings arrived home, Jian Chunhua had already brought her daughter over to prepare lunch.

"Sister Chunhua, what delicious dishes did you cook for us today?" Li Dongsheng asked happily when he saw Jian Chunhua busy in the yard as soon as he entered the door.

When Jian Chunhua saw Li Dongsheng who came back from outside, she blushed and replied, "They are all good dishes, but the cooking may not be as delicious as Li Meizi's cooking."

At this time, Li Dongsheng looked at Jian Qinglan who was next to her, without saying a word, he stepped forward and hugged Xiao Qinglan, "Xiao Qinglan, I'm Uncle Dongsheng, do you remember me?"

Jian Qinglan looked at Uncle Jian who was hugging her with a smile, and nodded slightly, "Remember, you are the Uncle Li who gave me candy."

(End of this chapter)

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