Chapter 260 A Little Long Story
Li Dongsheng opened his mouth, finally smiled and said honestly, "Got it, sister."

What Li Qiaomu bought back this time was a big truck. When the big truck drove to the gate of the police station, the police officers in the station came out one by one to see who was brave enough to drive the truck to the gate of their police station. of.

It was at this time that Li Qiaomu got out of the car.

She was recognized by Zhou Shuheng who came out to watch the fun as soon as she stepped forward.

"Sister-in-law, you, you, how did you get out of this truck?" Zhou Shuheng stepped forward to ask curiously.

Li Qiaomu smiled and said to him, "This car is mine now, is it strange that I get off from it?"

When she said this, Zhou Shuheng thought of something, and immediately looked at her in surprise, "Sister-in-law, have you bought a car?"

Li Qiaomu didn't hide it either, and said that this car was an obsolete car he bought from the steel factory.

"That's amazing. Such a big car must be a lot of money, sister-in-law, you are about to become a rich woman." Zhou Shuheng knew Jian Ju's daughter-in-law, and it was said that she was a small money-maker.

Sometimes he was a little envious of Jian Ju, how could he be so lucky to marry such a profitable daughter-in-law Fafa.

At this time, Zhou Shuheng rolled his eyes, and secretly asked Li Qiaomu, "Sister-in-law, I want to ask you something. Do you have a younger sister? If so, can you introduce one to me?"

Li Qiaomu turned his head and smiled generously at him, "I'm sorry, I don't have any younger sisters in my family. There is only one older sister, but she is already married and has several children."

Speaking of this elder sister, Li Qiaomu remembered that he had never seen this elder sister since he was here.

Even Li's father and Li's mother rarely heard of it.

Do not know what's going on.

When Zhou Shuheng heard this, his face was full of pity, "Well, it seems that I don't have this opportunity to marry a wife as powerful as you, sister-in-law."

Hearing his words, Li Qiaomu smiled happily and said to him, "Boy, don't just stare at the girls from our Li family. In fact, there are many good girls in this world. It's just that your fate is not there yet." That's it."

Zhou Shuheng smiled. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw Jian Ju's figure striding out from inside.

Jian Haotian was working inside, when he suddenly heard someone from the bureau report to him that his wife was coming, and she came in a car.

Hearing these words, he immediately put down what he was doing and walked out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he saw a large truck parked at the gate of the bureau.

After taking a look at the big truck, he immediately walked up to his wife and asked distressedly, "When did you come here? Are you thirsty? Go in and have a glass of water?"

After speaking, he was about to hold her hand and walk inside.

Li Qiaomu stopped him, "I don't want to drink anymore. If I want to drink, I have to go home to drink. I won't go in. Dong Sheng and I came here just to ask when you leave work. We will give you a lift."

Li Dongsheng came over at this time, smiled and said to Jian Haotian, "Brother-in-law, this car will belong to our family from now on."

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law beside him with a puzzled expression.

Li Qiaomu knew what he wanted to ask, so before he could ask, he told him first, "This matter is a bit long to talk about, let's talk about it when we get home."

After Jian Haotian finished listening, he didn't ask any more questions, but told her, "Wait here for me, I'll lock the door of the office, and we'll go home together."

(End of this chapter)

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