The Age of Rebirth: The Veteran Rough Man Carried His Hot Wife Home

Chapter 261 Take the initiative to admit mistakes

Chapter 261 Take the initiative to admit mistakes
Li Qiaomu glanced at the electronic watch in his hand, saw that it was his off-duty time, and immediately told him with a smile, "Okay, you go in, we'll wait outside here for you to come out."

Jian Haotian reluctantly held his wife's hand for a while before turning around and returning to the scene behind him.

Once inside, he put his work aside, locked the door of the office, and then walked out again.

When he ran out, he saw many colleagues in the bureau talking around his wife.

"Sister-in-law, the electronic watch in your hand is quite beautiful, where did you buy it?"

"I used to sell it wholesale by myself, but it's sold out now."

When the person who asked the question heard that it was sold out, he showed a regretful expression on his face, and finally took Li Qiaomu's hand again, "Sister-in-law, if you buy this electronic watch again next time, please leave one for me."

"I want it too, sister-in-law, leave one for me too."

"Okay, no problem, I'll keep them for you." Li Qiaomu didn't expect that he came here just to pick up his man, and ended up developing a business.

At this moment, when he saw Jian Haotian coming out from the inside, he immediately interrupted the conversation with these people, and waved his hand towards him with a happy smile on his pretty face.

Jian Haotian saw his daughter-in-law finally saw him, a smile finally appeared on his serious handsome face, and he strode towards her.

"Is it done? If it's done, we'll go home in the car now." Li Qiaomu asked immediately after he came over.

Jian Haotian nodded, "It's all done, let's go home."

Li Dongsheng asked with a look of reluctance at this time, "Brother-in-law, do you want to drive?"

Jian Haotian shook his head without reason, "No, I want to sit with your sister, you can drive the car."

Li Dongsheng immediately smiled, "Okay, brother-in-law." Then he jumped into the driving seat with a happy face and sat down.

Li Qiaomu looked at his small form, shook his head and smiled, and pulled Jian Haotian to sit in the back of the truck.

The car started quickly, and with the experience of being on the road for the first time, Li Dongsheng drove the car steadily this time.

When the young couple sitting in the back was driving in the car, Li Qiaomu also confessed to him that he spent all his family's money to buy this car.

"I'm sorry, Jian Haotian, you also have a share in this family, but I didn't discuss such a big matter with you first, so I made this decision in private, and even used all the money in our family to buy a car. "

At this point, she looked up at him, and immediately continued, "If you are angry, you can scold me and beat me, and I have no complaints."

Jian Haotian looked tenderly at the daughter-in-law who obediently confessed to him in front of him with tender eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he hugged her into his arms with distress, "What are you talking about, I've already said it, our family's money is all You keep it, I am the head of the family outside, but in our house, you are the head of the family, and you have the absolute right to handle and spend the money in this family."

Li Qiaomu looked at the calm look on his face, he couldn't see at all that he was angry at him for spending all the money in the family.

"Jian Haotian, you are really kind." Thinking of this man's unconditional trust in him, Li Qiaomu hugged him tightly.

At this moment, Jian Haotian lowered his head and kissed her pure white forehead, "But our family has no money now, and my husband should earn money well."

(End of this chapter)

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