Chapter 263 It's Quite Expensive
Li Qiaomu, who was sitting in the car, glanced at Jian Haotian, who was silent. The young couple kept silent, so the villagers below didn't know that the young couple was sitting on the car, and listened to their conversations. inside.

After Li Dongsheng chatted with the villagers he was familiar with, he drove the car to the big open space in the village.

After practicing his driving skills along the way, now Li Dongsheng almost drove the car away.

There is no need for someone to direct from behind.He parked the car very well by himself.

When Li Dongsheng got out of the car, he was immediately sought after by the big men in the village.

"Brother Dongsheng, you can do it. Now that I don't see you, I will drive a big truck that everyone envies. Don't forget that we are good brothers who often talk together. If I need to use your car somewhere in the future , you can’t just ignore it.” It was a young man from the village who spoke, and he only occasionally spoke a few words to Li Dongsheng.

But Li Dongsheng didn't remember him at all. Hearing his words, Li Dongsheng refused with a smile on his face, "Brother, this car doesn't belong to me either. I'm also a part-time worker. How dare I use this car privately?" , and the gas is so expensive now, if you are willing to pay the gas fee, I can consider talking to my sister."

When the young man who just spoke just heard his words asking for gas money, his smiling face immediately lengthened, "Brother Dongsheng, you are so boring, we are good brothers who have talked, how can you not talk like that?" What about favors?"

Li Dongsheng smiled at him twice, "I remember that we haven't talked a few times, why are we good brothers? Besides, didn't I tell you, isn't this car Mine, it’s my sister’s, I’m just a part-time worker, so don’t embarrass me.”

When the young man heard it, his face was not his face, his nose was not his nose, and he snorted vigorously at Li Dongsheng, muttering something in his mouth, "What's the big deal, isn't it just a broken car, just like yours .”

Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian were about to get out of the car, but they didn't expect to hear these words muttered when they left.

Jian Haotian clenched the hand of his daughter-in-law with a heavy face, "In the future, if anyone in the village borrows this car from you, if you don't want to borrow it, you can blame it on me, and say that I won't let you borrow it."

Hearing his manly words, Li Qiaomu looked at him with a twisted corner of his mouth, "You said this, if this happens again next time, I will push all these troubles on you."

"Well, I said it, and it's all on me." Jian Haotian said while holding her hand.

Li Qiaomu looked at his handsome face, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he held his big hand back.

When the young couple got off the back of the van, the big guy knew that the young couple had been sitting on it all the time.

As soon as the young couple got out of the car, they were surrounded by these villagers again.

"Haotian's daughter-in-law, I heard from your brother that you bought this car yourself. This car is so big, it must cost a lot of money to buy it." It was an uncle from the village who asked the question.

Li Qiaomu told him with a smile, and at the same time he was telling the villagers present, "It's quite expensive, but it's not very expensive, because it's cheaper than a new car. This car came from our factory in the city. It is an obsolete car bought here, so it is much cheaper than a new car."

(End of this chapter)

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