Chapter 264

Although she mentioned that it was an obsolete car, but from the ears of the villagers present, they did not regard it as an obsolete car at all. In their view, this is a car, and it is a car that people like them can live frugally for a lifetime. Unaffordable car.

Li Qiaomu went to a nearby family's house, and paid ten cents a day to ask them to watch the car for him.

She is not worried that someone will steal the car, after all, not everyone can drive it now, and this car is so big that someone can't steal it even if they want to.

What she was afraid of was that someone would damage the car while her home was far away from here.

So Li Qiaomu decided that he would rather pay a little more money to ask someone to take care of the car.

The selected family heard that there was such a good thing, and they didn't have to do anything, as long as they looked at the car for her, they would get a dime a day, so the family agreed without even thinking about it, and promised Li Qiaomu I will definitely help her take care of the car.

the other end.

The news that Li Qiaomu bought a big truck quickly spread in the village, and it didn't take long for Jian's father and mother to hear it.

As soon as Jian's father heard about it, he immediately walked to this large open space in the village with his feet that were faster than running.

Sure enough, I saw the car that the villagers said here.

At this time, Li Qiaomu and the others had already gone home, and only a few villagers in twos and threes were watching the car in the open space.

Father Jian's arrival was quickly seen by the villagers in twos and threes.

"Old Jane, you have also come to see the car bought by your daughter-in-law. Your old Jane's family is really promising. You can even afford such an expensive car. It's amazing." The person who spoke was about the same age as Jane's father. old man.

Father Jian's heart was sour when he heard this, and it has nothing to do with him that the third son's family is so successful now, because of what happened last time, the third son's family doesn't see him as a father at all now.

"It's just a small fight between the young couple. From my point of view, what kind of car to buy? Such an expensive thing, we rural people can't use it." Jian's father said something against his will.

When the villagers nearby heard his words, smiles that only they could understand appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Next, Father Jian looked at the big car in front of him with a sad heart.

The more I looked at him, the more I regretted that I shouldn't have driven the third child's family out so cruelly back then.

It's all right now, the eldest son he has always loved is now in such a state of desperation, and the second son is also clamoring to separate from the family because he has always favored the eldest son, and now he has decided to move out of this house on his own initiative.

Look at the youngest son who he detested at the time who was going to be handicapped. Not only did his legs heal, but he also has a decent job. Bought a car back.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Father Jian felt, and he returned home with a sullen expression on his face.

As soon as I got home, I ran into my old lady at the door of my house and went out in a hurry.

Father Jian stopped her and asked, "Where are you going?"

Mother Jian pulled his arm excitedly and said, "Old man, have you heard that the third child of our family bought a big truck and parked it in the village. I'm going to see the truck my son bought."

When Father Jian, who was feeling aggrieved, heard his old woman mentioning this matter again, his expression became even worse, and he yelled at her, "Don't go, don't go anywhere."

(End of this chapter)

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