Chapter 265 Are you happy?

Jian's mother, who was in a hurry, was suddenly frightened by Jian's father's yelling, and almost lost two souls.

She looked at Father Jian with a shocked expression on her face, "Father Haotian, why are you so crazy, why are you scolding so loudly, you are scaring me to death."

Jian's father looked at Jian's mother angrily and said, "I'm not sure to go, you didn't hear it, did you? Could it be that what I, the head of the family, said doesn't work now, does it?"

Jian's mother looked at Jian's father who was so arrogant, "Haotian's father, what's wrong with you, our son bought a car, it's a good thing, why do you look unhappy at all?"

"Happy! Of course I'm happy! I'm very happy!" Father Jian gritted his teeth and said these words.

That's what he said, but in the eyes of Jane's mother, he didn't look happy at all, but looked a little scary.

"Haotian's father, don't scare me. You don't look happy like this. What's wrong with you? Shouldn't you be happy when our son bought a car?" Jian's mother took Jian's father's hand , asked in a low voice.

Father Jian snorted hard, "I should be happy, but you said the attitude of the third child towards us, do I feel happy? They don't treat us as parents at all. What does it have to do with us when they buy a car?"

When he said this, Jane's mother remembered the relationship between the two of them and the third child's family.

"Old man, do you think we made a wrong decision at the beginning? Not only is the third child's leg fine, but he also became a deputy director, and now he bought a car. You said that if we hadn't kicked out their family, Can we also have a good drink with the third child and his family, and we will have a car to take when we go out."

Thinking of the scene she said, Jian's mother's intestines are turning green with regret now.

Hearing what his wife said, Father Jian regretted even more.

On the other end, the three returned home.

As soon as he got home, Li Qiaomu found that the three children who had gone to class had already returned home, and there was also a guest at home.

"Principal, you, why are you here?" At this point, Li Qiao Muma shot towards his second son with a pair of stern eyes.

"Stinky boy, did you cause trouble at the school?" At this moment, only this thought flashed through Li Qiaomu's mind.

As she said that, she was about to go forward and pull the second son's ears.

"Mom, Mom, you can't just blame me for this crime without asking anything. This matter is not what you think at all. You can't just wrong people." Jian Qingyu looked at the relative who rushed towards her. Mom, backed away in fright.

The principal was confused by what happened before him, and then he realized that his appearance had wronged Jian Qingyu.

So I hurried forward to stop people embarrassed, "Mother Qingyu, you misunderstood, I am not here this time because of the children's affairs, although Jian Qingyu is quite naughty at school, but I am not here this time for his sake matter."

Jian Qingyu, who was thinking that she had saved her life, heard the principal's explanation for her, and suddenly felt that she was going to die again.

Sure enough, when he looked up, he happened to see his mother giving him a warning look.

After listening to the principal's explanation, Li Qiaomu hurriedly told him with a smile on his face, "Principal, please sit down first, let's sit down and talk slowly if we have anything to say."

After inviting the old man to sit down, Li Qiaomu made him another cup of tea.

"Principal, please drink tea."

(End of this chapter)

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