As a result, the man in front of her stopped her hand as soon as she touched the quilt tip, "If it's not cold, why would you sneeze?"

A mischievous light flashed in Li Qiaomu's eyes, "Maybe someone is thinking about me."

Jian Haotian, who picked up the file again, heard her words, put down the file in his hand again, stared at her with deep eyes but didn't speak.

The smiling Li Qiaomu was stared at so seriously by him, and immediately asked a little cowardly, "Why are you looking at me like this, can I just joke around?"

Damn, I don't know if it's because this man works in such a sacred place, and he unconsciously has an involuntarily frightening aura on him, which scared her so much that she didn't play jokes with him for long before she fell down. It's embarrassing.

"In this world, I can only miss you, not others, let alone other men." As soon as the words fell, he immediately lowered his head and blocked her alluring little lips.

What happened next made Li Qiaomu extremely regret why he made that kind of joke with him, so that this man was like a wild beast that got out of control and mercilessly did whatever he wanted on her until midnight.

As a result of a night of indulgence, she became the last person in the family to wake up the next day.

After breakfast, Li Qiaomu planned to go out again.

She went to a family in the village that raised a lot of chickens.

"Fifth Aunt, I'm here to disturb you." Li Qiaomu stood at the door of someone's house and didn't go in immediately, but stood at the door of the house and shouted this first.

When the woman named Fifth Aunt saw Li Qiaomu standing at the door, she quickly put down what she was doing and stepped forward to greet her, "It's Haotian's wife, come in and sit down."

Li Qiaomu walked in with a smile, and as soon as he sat down, he told her the main purpose of his visit this time.

"You want to buy chicks, how many do you want?" Fifth Aunt asked.

Li Qiaomu reported a number with a smile, "Take five hundred first."

As soon as she said this, Fifth Aunt hissed in shock, "There are so many, have you raised them at home?"

"I don't raise them at home. I plan to raise them on a mountain. You know that, Aunt Wu. I rented a mountain and plan to grow fruit seedlings and raise some chickens there."

"I know, but I don't have [-] chicks. I only have about [-]. If you want them, I can give them to you first. Originally, I wanted your uncle to take this batch and sell it in the city. , but if you need it, I can sell it to you first."

Li Qiaomu said happily, "Yes, then sell these two chicks to me first, but I still want [-] chickens, how about this, Fifth Aunt, can you help me hatch another [-] chicks?" .”

After a few seconds of hesitation, Fifth Aunt immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll let my one hatch another [-] chicks for you."

"Fifth Aunt, I'll give you the money tomorrow, do you think it's okay?" When it came to the money, Li Qiaomu said a little embarrassedly.

Fifth Aunt smiled and replied generously, "Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. Tomorrow is tomorrow. I'm afraid you won't be able to escape."

"Then thank you Fifth Aunt." I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. When he left, Li Qiaomu had a happy smile on his lips.

Coming out of Fifth Aunt's house, he saw a lot of people busy on the vegetable field from a distance, so Li Qiaomu went to the vegetable field again.

When she came over, the vegetable field was still bustling, and Alai led several villagers in the field to pick vegetables there.

He Xiao came over to wholesale vegetables again today.

"Comrade He, how are the green vegetables sold?" Although he knew that the business must be doing well if he appeared here, Li Qiaomu still asked him.

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