He Xiao's face was full of unstoppable smiles at this time, "Okay, the sales are very good, Comrade Li, many people in our city know your green vegetables, I just need to talk about this green vegetables It was wholesaled from you, and the men and women in the city rushed to buy it one after another, and the two hundred catties were snatched up by the men and women in the city in less than two hours."

Speaking of this, He Xiao rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, with a hesitant look on his face.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu smiled and interrupted his hesitation, "Comrade He, we are quite close friends, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't be so polite."

Seeing this, He Xiao smiled embarrassedly, and quickly spoke quickly, "Comrade Li, I wanted to buy two hundred catties for a trial sale before, but during the trial sale yesterday, I found that the two hundred catties I ordered It's still too little, I want to wholesale more vegetables this time, do you think so?"

After listening, Li Qiaomu nodded, "If you think there is no problem, then I can still supply three hundred catties. Just tell Comrade Alai, the person in charge, how much you want."

He Xiao never had things go so smoothly, his face was filled with joy, and he quickly thanked her.

"You don't need to be so polite. I still have to thank you for what happened yesterday. If it wasn't for your help, we wouldn't be able to buy that car." Li Qiaomu said to him politely.

She is really grateful for the help. Even though the big guys are not very rich in this era, if this truck is really released, many people will come to buy it.

She was able to rush to the factory to buy this car in the first time this time. To be honest, I really want to thank Comrade He Xiao.

"I didn't help much either. The main reason is that Comrade Li is amazing." He Xiao smiled shyly.

After Li Qiaomu smiled, he didn't say these kind words to others.

Next, Li Qiaomu talked to him for a while before leaving the vegetable field.

After coming out of the vegetable field, she went to the mountain to check the situation.

When she came over, she saw Li Dongsheng there doing some leftover work.

"Dongsheng." Walking up the hill, Li Qiaomu called out to the back of the busy Li Dongsheng.

Li Dongsheng, who was picking up branches, heard the shout from behind, and quickly stopped what he was doing and turned his head, "Sister, why did you come up the mountain? Didn't brother-in-law say that you are not feeling well?"

Li Qiaomu, who was walking towards him, heard his words and almost tripped over the road under his feet with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, at the last critical moment, she stabilized her feet in time, so that she didn't fall to the ground.

"Don't listen to your brother-in-law's nonsense, I, I just have a backache, there is nothing serious at all." She explained with a guilty conscience while blushing.

Li Dongsheng didn't think too much about the reason why his own sister had a sore back. After hearing this explanation, he believed it to be true.

Seeing that the silly brother in front of him didn't continue to ask any more questions, Li Qiaomu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time said to him, "Alai's side seems to be almost ready, you go over and help him, and by the way, bring those vegetables to the table." Che, you send the food to cousin Zhou Shuheng's hotel, have you kept the address yet?"

Upon hearing this, Li Dongsheng immediately dropped the branch he was holding, and replied excitedly, "It's ready, sister, are you really planning to let me deliver the food?"

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