chapter 297

"This is our Bureau He and Director Xie." Jian Haotian knew that his wife didn't know these two, so he explained first.

After Li Qiaomu finished his introduction, he immediately thought of what happened to Jian Haotian, so he stared at Ju He excitedly and asked, "Director He, has the bad guy who wronged Jian Haotian been caught?"

When He Ju heard her words, he glanced at Jian Haotian with a dazed expression.

Isn't this a matter in their bureau? How come even the family members of colleagues in the bureau know about it.

After receiving He Ju's gaze, Jian Haotian explained calmly, "You can't hide anything from my daughter-in-law in my house, even this matter."

When He Ju heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, he didn't expect that the Jian Haotian he had his eyes on was actually a wife slave.

At this moment, Li Qiaomu noticed that the expression on He Ju's face became a little serious after hearing what Jian Haotian said.

Li Qiaomu immediately sensed that something big was wrong, so he quickly explained, "Ju He, don't worry, although Jian Haotian didn't hide anything from me, what he told me were small things in your bureau, it's like an absolute secret, he Absolutely won't tell me."

After He Ju heard her explanation, a satisfied expression appeared on his resolute face.

"What is this? It's so fragrant. Why does it look like a shrimp to me, but it doesn't look like it. It's not the same as the small shrimp we usually eat." The director stared curiously at the whole big plate that Jian Haotian and Li Dongsheng put down and asked.

Li Qiaomu immediately smiled and came forward to explain, "It is indeed a shrimp, but they are called crayfish, but the eating method is similar to the shrimp we eat."

Director Xie on the side couldn't help swallowing when he heard the smell, raised his hand and put it down suddenly, and finally turned to Li Qiaomu and asked, "Can I have one for a taste?"

Li Qiaomu pursed his lips and smiled, and said cheerfully, "There is nothing wrong with this, you can take it yourself, but be careful, this thing is still a little hot just out of the pot, don't get burned."

Director Xie laughed out loud, "Don't worry, I'm such an old man, how could I get burned, you underestimate me too much."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately stretched out a hand to take a crayfish into the basin and began to taste it.

"Mm, fragrant, delicious." After taking a sip, Director Xie only knew these words.

He Ju on the side could only say these words when he saw his friend, so he took a crayfish and tasted it with a dubious expression.

In the next second, his calm eyes immediately showed a light of disbelief.

"I can't think of it, I really can't think of it, this little thing can make such a delicious thing, why haven't I seen this thing before?"

He Ju looked towards Li Qiaomu and asked.

Li Qiaomu smiled and explained to them, "It's called crayfish, and no one eats it. The main reason is that it doesn't have much meat and consumes oil. Big guys don't like to eat it."

"The name of this thing is also very nice, and the taste is delicious." Director He nodded.

As he said that, he didn't stop eating shrimp, and he ate several shells on the table in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Jian Haotian quickly peeled several lobsters for his daughter-in-law and put them in her bowl.

He Ju and Director Xie at the side saw Jian Haotian's posture of protecting his wife, they looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths slowly hooked.

(End of this chapter)

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