Chapter 298

As for Li Dongsheng on the side, no one would peel it for him, so he had to peel it and eat it by himself.

The ten catties of lobster was finally eaten by them in less than half an hour.

Li Qiaomu originally planned to give some food to the three little guys who came back from school, but it turned out that none of them were left, and even all the side dishes were eaten.

Director He and Director Xie watched them light up a large pot of crayfish, and their faces suddenly showed embarrassment.

"I couldn't hold back when I was eating, and I ate up all of your family's food, so let's pay some money to make up for it." He Ju explained with a look of embarrassment.

"No, what do you pay for? It's not just the two of you who eat this pot of lobster, but the three of us too." Having said this, Li Qiaomu rolled his eyes, "He Ju, if you really want to make up, you can Help my old Jane clean up her grievances as soon as possible."

"Also, the car I bought has nothing to do with him at all. The truck I bought was eliminated from the steel factory, and the money I spent was my own. It's fine if his salary can support a large family. It's not bad."

Director Xie at the side turned his head with a smile and looked at Jian Haotian, who was always by his wife's side. This boy was so calm after being said to be like this by his wife.

"I earned that money from selling vegetables, and I also wholesaled things to sell back. I also made a little money there. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

He Ju nodded, "I understand, don't worry, as long as Comrade Jian Haotian is innocent, we will definitely give him justice."

Li Qiaomu hurriedly added, "Of course he is innocent, he is whiter than snow, I can guarantee him for this kind of thing."

When He Ju heard this, he laughed out loud.

"Comrade Jian Haotian, you have married a good wife." He Ju said with a smile.

At this time, Jian Haotian firmly held the hand of his wife next to him, and this time a gentle light slowly revealed in his usually serious eyes.

"Well, I know." He replied with a clear face.

He Ju and Director Xie saw the tightly clenched hands of the young couple, and they were caught off guard and ate a handful of dog food thrown by the young couple.

"Comrade Li, your green vegetables were passed on by Comrade Zhou in our bureau as a panacea. He also said that after eating your green vegetables, he could even sleep better than before." He Ju immediately asked again. Changed the subject of the sermon.

Li Qiaomu explained with a calm smile, "He Ju, you are knowledgeable, do you believe in this kind of thing? My vegetables may taste better than ordinary vegetables, but what kind of miracle medicine, this kind of thing I want things too, so that my vegetables won’t have to worry about selling.”

He Ju nodded, and immediately said again, "No matter how your green vegetables are, I was told by that boy Zhou Shuheng that I also want to try your green vegetables. I'm here this time. You sell ten catties for me to take back Have a good taste."

"And me, I'll join in the fun, pick ten catties for me too, and I'll pay for it." Director Xie also raised his hand.

Li Qiaomu smiled and said, "Okay, no problem, I'll let my brother go to the field to pick them for you."

After finishing speaking, Li Qiaomu winked at Li Dongsheng who was beside him, and Li Dongsheng immediately stood up and walked out from here.

When making tea for others, Li Qiaomu took Jian Haotian back to the house first.

"Do you think I want to charge you Ju He and Director Xie for food?" Li Qiaomu glanced at the two people sitting outside, and discussed with the man beside him in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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