Chapter 299 Why Are You Useless?

Jian Haotian laughed in a low voice, "Of course we have to charge it. They come to our house to buy vegetables, so of course we have to collect the money, just collect it as usual."

"Then I really accepted it like this? If this is the case, will it be bad for you, after all, he is your boss." Li Qiaomu hesitated.

"They are not that kind of people, don't worry, just do what you want." Jian Haotian held her hand.

Hearing what he said, Li Qiaomu felt as if he had taken a reassurance at this time, "Okay, just have your words, I know how to do it."

In the yard.

He Ju looked at the yard with a satisfied face, "If I retire in the future, I will choose such a place to retire, without those worldly troubles, how nice it is."

Director Xie laughed out loud when he heard his words, "Aren't you thinking too far, but how much have you fulfilled your purpose for coming here this time?"

He Ju pursed his lips and smiled, "I didn't believe what was said in that letter before, but this time I came to sit at Comrade Jian Haotian's house in person, and I am even more convinced that the contents of that letter are all nonsense."

"It seems that you have someone to suspect?" Director Xie asked, staring at him.

He Ju smiled and pointed at him, "Old fox, you also have suspicions in your heart."

"Your position is indeed very attractive. As soon as this position is released, all monsters and monsters will be forced out." Director Xie laughed.

He Ju pursed his lips, and suddenly sneered, "I haven't left yet, but someone is so obsessed with the position behind me."

When the two left, they each carried ten catties of vegetables and left.

Li Qiaomu touched the money in his hand, smiling like a little mouse that was stolen.

"So happy?" Seeing her smiling so happily, Jian Haotian asked with tenderness at the corners of his mouth.

Li Qiaomu touched the 30 yuan in his hand, "Of course I'm happy, since I bought that car, I've really spent everything on me, and I don't have a penny."

"It feels so good to see this money again now." Her smiling eyes almost narrowed.

When Jian Haotian heard her words, his heart immediately felt sour. He always felt that it was because he didn't know how to make money that made the daughter-in-law in front of him so eager to make money and love money so much.

"Thank you for your hard work, and it's all my fault. If I can earn a little more money, you don't have to be so happy for a little money now. I'm useless." He grabbed her and kissed her on his lips with a face of self-blame. dear.

Li Qiaomu was startled, then smiled and comforted him, "What are you talking about, why are you useless, you are the best in my heart." She held out a thumbs up.

Seeing how seriously she praised him, Jian Haotian felt sour and a little happy.

Li Qiaomu saw that he didn't speak, so he said, "It's good that I am the only one in this family who can make money. If you can make money like this, then won't we make all the money in the whole country?"

Jian Haotian, who was still blaming himself a bit, couldn't help laughing when he heard her words, and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

He really liked the daughter-in-law in his arms more and more.

The next day, Li Qiaomu found a few familiar and hard-working women in the village to help clean the crayfish.

Among them is Jian Chunhua.

When Jian Chunhua received this news, she was overwhelmed with excitement.

Since her job of helping Li Qiaomu cook every day was gone, their family's life became more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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