Chapter 300 What to do deliciously
She has made a plan. Before the new year, if she can't find a job again, she will go to the city to find a part-time job. Even if it is helping people move things, she will do it, as long as the family can have a warm job. year will do.

When she was hesitating about going to the city for the next two days, Li Qiaomu came to inform her today that she would go to her house to do something later.

When she arrived, there were already three women from the village sitting in the courtyard of Xinjian's house.

The three women sitting in the yard were startled when they saw Jian Chunhua coming in, and then greeted her one by one.

When Jian Chunhua heard the woman who greeted her, her eyes turned red instantly, and finally greeted each of the three of them with red eyes.

Li Qiaomu came out of the room at this time, saw this scene, the corners of his mouth curled up, and quickly came out to the four of them as if nothing happened, "Everyone is here! It's just right, I can arrange things, today's work It may be a little hard work, just to help wash the big buckets of lobsters in the yard, I will teach you how to wash them later, and the wages are ten yuan a day."

When the four of them heard the salary, all four pairs of eyes lit up.

Soon, Li Qiaomu led the four of them over to watch how she washed the crayfish.

The four of them are people who are used to doing the work at home, and the four of them learned it just by reading it once.

Thinking of the ten yuan wages for doing such an easy job, the four of them did not dare to be lazy, and did the job seriously.

The two thousand catties of crayfish were washed by the four of them in less than a day.

Li Qiaomu also followed his promise and sent the four of them a card of solidarity when they returned home.

The four of them held this great unity, and suddenly felt their palms burn.

Li Qiaomu smiled and pointed to the pile of washed crayfish and asked the four of them, "Would you like to bring some crayfish home to cook?"

The four of them shook their heads at the same time.

"Sister of the Li family, this thing has so little meat and so much waste of oil, I still don't want it."

"That's right, I don't want it anymore. I save oil at home. If I use it to cook, my mother-in-law will scold me for three days and three nights."

Then the other two also meant the same thing, that is, they didn't want these crayfish.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu had no choice but to send the four of them out of the house by himself.

After sending the four of them out of the house, Li Qiaomu also quickly started to make this batch of crayfish.

This batch of crayfish Li Qiaomu was divided into two types, one without shells and the other with shells.

One is garlic and the other is spicy.

Fortunately, the ingredients and these things have been prepared in advance, and she only needs to do it with her hands.

When she finished the nearly one thousand lobsters, the family also went home one after another.

First of all, there are three little ones. The third little one smelled this smell, and as soon as he entered the house, he dropped the backpack he was carrying and ran towards the kitchen.

"Mom, what delicious food are you cooking?" Jian Qingyu was the first to enter the kqhfj kitchen.

Immediately after was the youngest daughter, Jian Meimei, and finally the eldest son, Jian Qingfeng.

Seeing the three of them staring eagerly at the lobster cooked in the big pot, Li Qiaomu smiled and waved at them three times.

When the three brothers and sisters saw this action, the three pairs of eyes lit up immediately.

In the next second, the footsteps of the three brothers and sisters swept towards her.

Li Qiaomu gave the three of them a bowl of lobster meat with the shell on, "Take it out and eat it outside. If you want to eat more after eating, come in and find me."

(End of this chapter)

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