Chapter 302
Li Qiaomu groaned in pain, and wiped his forehead, "Why did you hit me on the forehead?"

"It should be hit." After finishing speaking, he knelt down and whispered in her ear, "Does it hurt?"

Li Qiaomu heard the pain in his tone, and the corners of his mouth curled up. In fact, he didn't hit hard. This man should have controlled his strength before hitting.

"What do you think?" She just didn't tell him to agree, and let him worry a little bit so that he could remember it long.

When Jian Haotian heard this, his anxious eyes could be seen in his anxious eyes, "Or you can hit me!"

After finishing speaking, he took her hand and tapped it on his forehead.

Li Qiaomu immediately saw a small red mark on his forehead.

"What are you doing, does it hurt?" Seeing that his forehead turned red, Li Qiaomu immediately forgot the naughtiness just now, and asked nervously touching his forehead.

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law who loved him dearly, and was overjoyed. He held her hand tightly, "It won't hurt if you touch it."

As soon as Li Qiaomu heard his tone, he immediately realized that he had been deceived by him.

"You're lying again." She pinched his arm several times angrily.

Jian Haotian immediately hugged his daughter-in-law who was about to leave tightly in his arms, "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, I know I was wrong, you can hit me as long as you want."

"Let go." Embarrassed by his greasy and crooked appearance, Li Qiaomu hurriedly looked towards his sons and daughters who were sitting not far away eating crayfish.

The three brothers and sisters were watching the show when they suddenly saw their mother looking towards them.

The three brothers and sisters immediately looked back, then stood up at the same time, and said in unison, "Okay, you can eat as much as you want, here we will let you two, and the three of us will go back to the room and eat."

After finishing speaking, the three small figures moved in unison and then walked towards the room where they lived.

Li Qiaomu was dumbfounded by the actions of the three little guys, and then blushed and slapped the arm of the man next to him, "It's all your fault."

Jian Haotian smiled and grabbed her hand, "Yes, it's all my fault."

Seeing that he was still smiling, Li Qiao stomped on his toes angrily.

Jian Haotian is in pain and happiness now, the whole yard is full of his deep laughter.

Li Dongsheng, who dared not come out of the kitchen, listened to the laughter from outside, and muttered in his mouth while eating the lobster, "My brother-in-law was beaten by my sister, why are you so happy?"

During dinner, Li Qiaomu looked towards Li Dongsheng, "Come with me to the city tomorrow, drive there, and bring some things into the city."

Li Dongsheng nodded, "OK."

It was a good night's dream. On the second day, Li Qiaomu asked Li Dongsheng to help carry the big pot of lobster that he made yesterday into the car.

"Sister, are you going to sell it in the city?" Looking at this posture, Li Dongsheng only thought of this reason now.

Li Qiao didn't raise his head and said, "I spent the money back to see it, of course it's to make money."

Li Dongsheng nodded after listening, and said in agreement, "Sister, I think if you sell your crayfish, there will be a lot of people buying it."

Naturally, Li Qiaomu never worried that the big pot of lobsters in front of him would not be sold, "Of course, just because I made them, they are delicious."

Li Dongsheng looked at his confused and confident third sister, and secretly covered his mouth and smiled.

Seeing his little movement, Li Qiaomu raised his foot and kicked his calf, "Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and get ready to go."

(End of this chapter)

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