Chapter 303 Endure
Li Dongsheng quickly stopped the smirk on his face, quickly got into the car, started the car, and drove out of the village.

Half an hour later, the two siblings finally arrived in the city.

"Sister, there are a lot of people." Seeing so many people, Li Dongsheng shouted happily.

Li Qiaomu smiled and rolled his eyes at him, "Today is a market day, so there are naturally many people."

"Okay, don't look, hurry up and help lift the things off the car, ready to sell." Li Qiaomu patted him on the shoulder.

Seeing so many people at this time, Li Dongsheng felt more powerful, and even when lifting the lobster down, he used abnormal force.

When he came out this time, Li Qiaomu also brought a small stove.

Put the pot on a small stove to warm up for half an hour, and the smell of crayfish wafted out, and soon drifted to the street next door.

Not long after the crayfish in the pot were boiled, some customers came up to ask what they were selling.

Li Qiaomu smiled and explained to the other party, "This is the crayfish I made myself, do you want to buy it and try it?"

"how much is it?"

"It's not expensive, one yuan per catty." She replied with a smile.

When the old woman heard this, she cursed excitedly, "One yuan is not expensive, you can buy a catty of meat for one yuan, what kind of lobsters do you see, you only have such a little meat, and it sells more expensive than pork, you It's money grabbing."

Li Qiaomu smiled and said to her, "Old lady, this is the price I'm selling, and it won't change. If you don't want to buy it, I won't force it."

Seeing that she didn't intend to lower the price, the old woman was so angry that she folded her hands on her chest and said, "I want to see who will take advantage of you and buy your lobster."

Li Dongsheng looked anxiously from the side. If his sister hadn't told him in advance, when they came here to set up a stall, no matter what happened, they would have to hold back their temper and never make trouble with others.

Otherwise, according to his current temper, he would have dragged the old woman elsewhere long ago.

Compared to Li Dongsheng's anger, Li Qiaomu looked calm and smiled at the old woman.

At this moment, a young man stepped forward, "Boss, how can I sell this thing?"

"One dollar a catty, do you want to come?" Li Qiaomu asked with a smile.

The young man didn't think about it, and immediately said happily, "Give me a catty, and boss, can you put more soup for me, I think your soup is too fragrant, I can still use your soup base for dinner Have a few bowls of rice."

Li Qiaomu was amused by his words, "Of course, I can use this bag to pack it for you. Are you okay?"

The young man smiled, "No problem, of course no problem."

Of course, when Li Qiaomu weighed himself a few extra taels for the first customer, the soup was also well-fed.

The young man saw all this in his eyes, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

After paying the money and getting his own lobster, the young man took out a crayfish next to the stall and tasted it before walking a few steps.

After tasting the first one, the young man's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Seeing that he was the first to buy and tasted another one, the other guests watching around him asked him curiously about the taste.

After the young man tasted the crayfish in his mouth, he immediately gave a thumbs up, "It's delicious, it's so delicious, anyway, I haven't eaten such a delicious thing, I want to go back and give it to my parents and they will also taste it." taste."

(End of this chapter)

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