Chapter 315 Perfect Miss
In the end, the two elders still couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the son-in-law, and agreed to live here for a few days.

Jian Haotian came to the kitchen and saw his daughter-in-law who was busy inside, walked behind her and hugged her waist, "Daughter-in-law, I did you a big favor today, do you want to give me a reward?"

Li Qiaomu stopped what he was doing, and looked at the man in front of him asking for a reward with a funny face, "Oh, is that so, then tell me first what you have done for me?"

"Just now, our mother and the others have promised me that I will stay at our house for a few more days and spend more time with you." He smiled and whispered these words in the girl's ear.

It was good news for Li Qiaomu when he heard this, no wonder the man whispered in her ear that he wanted a reward.

"Good job, what reward do you want?" She asked him with a smile.

Jian Haotian lowered his head and whispered a few words in her ear.

In the next second, Li Qiaomu's face was immediately stained with a blush.

"You rascal, you want a lot of rewards." Li Qiao pinched his arm angrily.

Jian Haotian smiled and grabbed her hand, "Of course, it's hard to get a chance to be rewarded by your daughter-in-law, of course I have to grasp it well."

After the young couple finished talking, Jian Haotian talked about another matter.

"Dad and Mom knew that you raised chickens on the mountain. They were curious about how you raised chickens. They just said they would go and have a look. I told them that you should go with them. You can go with Mom and Dad. Here Just let me do the work."

Hearing that the man had arranged everything in an orderly manner, Li Qiaomu stepped forward to hold his face and kissed him hard, contentedly.

"Jian Haotian, why are you so nice, you look like this, I almost like you to death." She held his face and rubbed it while talking.

Jian Haotian was not satisfied with her kissing method, so he took the initiative to hold her face with his two hands, and then found her lips. Without saying a word, he directly kissed her attractive little red lips. Take a sip.

"Compared to your love to death, I like you to love me to death." He whispered in her ear.

Listening to his deep and magnetic voice, Li Qiaomu's pretty faces on both sides were immediately blushed.

Fortunately, at this time, the voices of Li's father and Li's mother calling for people sounded outside, and Li Qiaomu was able to withdraw from his bottomless eyes without any danger.

Coming out of the kitchen, Li Qiaomu felt as if he hadn't recovered yet.

"Dad, Mom, I heard from your son-in-law that you want to see if the chickens I raised on the mountain are right. Let's go, I will take you to see my chickens." After regaining consciousness, Li Qiaomu changed back to the usual way.

Mother Li saw that only her daughter came out alone, so she asked curiously, "Where is the son-in-law, won't he go with him?"

"He won't go, he wants to stay and cook for us." When his mother mentioned that domineering man, Li Qiaomu's heart suddenly became agitated again.

The old couple didn't pay attention to the appearance of the youngest daughter, so they perfectly missed the abnormal blush on the youngest daughter's face.

When the three of them came to the mountain, the chickens on the mountain were returning to the chicken coop that Li Qiaomu had specially built for them and squatting overnight.

When Father Li and Mother Li saw the fat chickens in the coop, their eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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