Chapter 316 Fat but not greasy

"It's so big, it weighs a few kilograms, it seems like it's only been a month since I heard your little brother talk about it last time, why did it grow so big so fast?" Mother Li looked at this scene in disbelief. Lots of chickens.

"To be precise, it's actually less than a month." Li Qiaomu whispered in their old butcher's ears.

Li's father and Li's mother were shocked by the news at the same time.

The old couple looked at the pile of chickens in disbelief, and they couldn't even believe that the chickens had been fed for less than a month.

"Here, Mu'er, the chicken you fed didn't grow up eating fairy things, did it? It grew so big in less than a month. It's the first time I've seen a chicken grow up so fast after so many years of raising chickens." .” Mother Li had a shocked expression on her face.

Li Qiaomu was amused by Li's mother's words, "I don't eat any fairy things, but they are very edible, and I give them food, so I let them grow faster."

Speaking of this, Li Qiaomu realized that he had raised so many chickens and never had one.

Today, while her parents were here, she planned to grab a chicken and give it to the big guys to taste the chicken that grew up on spiritual spring water.

True to his word, Li Qiaomu immediately went to the chicken coop and caught a big chicken weighing about three catties.

When Li's mother heard that her daughter was going to kill chickens, she felt distressed, "What are you killing? It would be nice to keep the money for selling. It's not like your father and I have never eaten chickens before."

"Mom, my chicken is different from the chicken you and Dad usually eat. My chicken grew up on the mountain. The food here is different, and the taste must be different. You believe me."

No matter how Li's mother stopped him, Li Qiaomu finally returned to Jane's house with a chicken.

As soon as he got home, Li Qiaomu handed over the chicken to his younger brother Li Dongsheng to handle it.

Li Dongsheng has long wanted to taste those chickens raised by his sister, and seeing them growing wildly, he really wanted to taste what these chickens tasted like.

Today is really thanks to the blessing of his parents, otherwise he would not have had the chance to taste it.

It was already about ten minutes after the chicken was killed.

Li Qiaomu cooked it himself and made a dish of beggar's chicken.

After the beggar chicken is ready, the soil on it is knocked open to reveal the chicken inside, and the fragrance fills the whole house.

Jian Qingyu ran over smelling the smell, "Mom, what delicious food are you making? It's so fragrant, give me a taste."

Li Qiaomu looked at the second son whose tongue was about to come out, and knocked his head amusedly, "Try it later, your grandfather and the others haven't tasted it yet!"

As soon as Jian Qingyu heard that she didn't taste it, her small face immediately showed deep disappointment, but she still didn't go anywhere, just stood behind her, staring at the beggar chicken just out of the oven.

Seeing his gluttonous appearance, Li Qiaomu relented and tore a chicken foot for him, "Take it and taste it, hurry up, don't stand in my way here."

Jian Qingyu took a bite of the chicken foot, and her eyes lit up immediately, "It's delicious, thank you mom." After speaking, she quickly ran out with the chicken foot that she tasted.

After finally getting rid of this greedy little guy, Li Qiaomu was busy with other things.

During the meal, the plate of beggar chicken on the dinner table was well received by the whole family.

"Sister, your chicken is so delicious, it's fat but not greasy, the meat is firm, and it doesn't taste bad, and it seems to have a fragrance when I eat this chicken." Li Dongsheng rubbed his chin and said I have the aftertaste after eating.

(End of this chapter)

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