Chapter 343 She Was There

After all, he didn't become the head of the village from the very beginning. He also dealt with those crops in the field, so he naturally knew that each person planted the crops differently.

"Daughter-in-law Haotian, what you said is correct, don't worry, as long as you are willing to give this speech, if someone wants to blame you for not being kind, I will be the first to say no." Village Chief Jian patted his chest and said .

Li Qiaomu was waiting for the assurance, and after listening to it, he finally felt relieved, "That's good, the village chief, you can arrange a time yourself, and when the time comes, you can just let me know."

When Village Chief Jian saw that the matter was settled so easily, he couldn't believe it for a moment, but this matter was really completed.

"Daughter-in-law Haotian, everyone in the village will remember your kindness. I thank you on behalf of the villagers." Village Chief Jian said solemnly.

In the end, Village Chief Jian hurried back to arrange the matter without even eating a meal.

As soon as he left, everyone at the dinner table had a little opinion.

Especially Li Dongsheng, he has watched his sister grow vegetables bit by bit.

His sister's hardships are not known to ordinary people. Now that these villagers see his sister making money from growing vegetables, they want to come one by one to share a piece of the pie. When he mentions it, his heart is hidden.

If it wasn't for his sister's winking to tell him to keep silent just now, he would have taken out the nagging words in his stomach and had a good talk with Village Chief Jian.

"Sister, do you really want to tell them about your experience in growing vegetables?" Li Dongsheng asked with a displeased face.

When Li Qiaomu saw the expression on his little brother's face, he knew that this guy didn't know how much anger he had hidden in his heart.

"Didn't I agree with the village chief? Now that I have promised, I will do it." She replied with a smile.

Li Dongsheng's face was stinky, "Sister, the people in your village are not too shameless anymore. Now that they see you growing vegetables and making money, they want to share your share. You are so righteous in sharing it. It makes me mad."

Speaking of this, Li Dongsheng looked at Jian Haotian who had been silent all this time, "Brother-in-law, don't you say anything about this matter, don't you just watch my sister being bullied by the villagers?"

Li Qiaomu didn't know whether to laugh or cry and interrupted him, "What bullying? It's bullying. At best, it's a bit aggressive, but I'm fine. If they want to know, I'll tell them if they can do it well. That's it." It's not something I need to worry about."

Jian Haotian's face was not very good at this time, "Daughter-in-law, if you feel embarrassed about this matter, don't do it. If the villagers have any opinions, I will bear it. At worst, we will not live here and move to the city .”

When he thought of how the villagers treated his daughter-in-law like this, he felt a fire in his heart.

Li Qiaomu saw that his face was a bit ugly, so he shook his hand secretly, "They said don't be angry, I really don't feel embarrassed about this matter, if they want to know, I just tell them."

Soon, Village Chief Jian arranged the time, which was the next day.

On this day, the whole village stood on the big square of the village, all stretching their necks to listen to the experience imparted by this planting conference.

Yesterday, when the villagers knew that Li Qiaomu would tell them about planting experience, they wished that it would be the next day.

As soon as he came on stage, Li Qiaomu saw Jian Xiang, the heroine, in the crowd. Although this guy thought he was hiding well, he still let her see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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