Chapter 344 Settlement
After being prompted by the village chief, Li Qiaomu stood on the square and started to speak with a loudspeaker.

Of course, Li Qiaomu also tried his best to tell all the experiences he had gained to the people present. As for the matter of Lingquan, I'm sorry, even if she was rotten in her stomach, she would not talk about it.

Half an hour later, Li Qiaomu, who was speaking a little dry, ended today's speech.

"Guys, these are the experiences I gained when growing vegetables. I planted vegetables step by step according to these experiences. After listening to these, if you don't understand anything, you can come to the field to find me or ask Alai for advice at any time. Anything is fine, but I will say one more thing in the end, this kind of vegetable still depends on the face of God. I can’t control who grows it. If the vegetables you grow in the future are different from mine or other people’s, I'm not responsible for that."

When the villagers heard this, they all said that they all understood that they would never trouble her because of the different vegetables they planted.

After listening to Li Qiaomu, it doesn't matter whether these people are sincerely guaranteeing or falsely guaranteeing, anyway, she has already said what should be said here, and she is not responsible for the subsequent results.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Qiaomu searched the crowd again, and finally found a figure leaving.

After finishing the speech, Li Qiaomu returned home and saw Jian Haotian who came back early today.

"Aren't you busy in the bureau today? Come back so early." She walked to him and asked with a smile.

Jian Haotian looked at her with concern at this moment, "Nothing happened over there, did anyone bully you?"

Li Qiaomu saw that his eyes were full of concern for himself, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a sly light flashed in his eyes, "If I say someone is bullying you, what will you do?"

At this moment, Jian Haotian replied directly without thinking, "Of course it's to settle accounts with the person who bullied you."

The corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth were even more curved, and he leaned in front of him, poking his chest with one hand, "Really, if you really want to settle accounts with that person, you are not afraid of that person going to the bureau to sue you, the deputy bureau chief, for beating someone. .”

Just as Jian Haotian was about to speak, he suddenly saw a fox-like sly smile flashing across the corner of his daughter-in-law's mouth, and immediately understood everything.

But looking at the smile across the corner of his wife's mouth, he suddenly felt that if he was teased by his wife, he could be teased by her, as long as she was happy.

"I beat people not because of my identity. I beat people because I am your man and the man whose wife is being bullied. Let's see who dares to say anything." He said with a serious face.

Seeing his upright face, Li Qiaomu felt warm, held his face and kissed him, "It's not too bad."

Jian Haotian was stunned for a moment, then his eyes darkened, he turned around and held her face in his arms, and kissed her seductive red lips for a while before letting go.

If it wasn't for the fear of intruding people suddenly, he really didn't want to end it so soon.

When the young couple separated from each other, both of them were breathing a little bit.

Hearing this voice, Li Qiaomu couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

Soon, the two talked about today's speech.

"Do you know why I agreed to the village chief's speech so happily?" She looked at him and asked.

After hearing her words, Jian Haotian realized that there were other reasons behind this matter, so he looked at her with puzzled eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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