The Age of Rebirth: The Veteran Rough Man Carried His Hot Wife Home

Chapter 345 It's Not Too Late to Learn Now

Chapter 345 It's Not Too Late to Learn Now
Li Qiaomu smiled easily and told him about the fact that she saw his good niece in the crowd.

"What is my good niece, I don't like to hear this sentence." Hearing that she said good niece to describe his niece, Jian Haotian frowned slightly, and said with a face of disapproval.

Seeing his attitude, Li Qiaomu frowned, "I thought she was your good niece."

"Do you want me to bet your lips with my mouth again if you still say such things?" He looked at her helplessly and asked.

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he immediately covered his mouth with his hands, "Okay, okay, I won't say those few words anymore."

Seeing her agreeing so quickly, Jian Haotian's handsome face showed a hint of disappointment.

"Let me tell you, the reason why I agreed to the village chief's speech so quickly this time is because I suspect that the villagers are so insisting on me giving a speech that she is behind the scenes."

Jian Haotian, who was listening to her words, frowned slightly when he heard this, "Daughter-in-law, are you paranoid? Jian Xiang is only a young child, so she probably doesn't have the ability."

Li Qiaomu immediately glared at him, "Look, I knew you wouldn't believe what I said."

Jian Haotian saw that his daughter-in-law was unhappy, and immediately explained, "It's not that I don't believe it, I'm just talking about the facts. I really don't think she has the ability to handle this matter. After all, she is only so old."

Li Qiaomu twitched his mouth after hearing his words, and gave him a look like a fool.

"Then you really underestimate your niece. You and I can't imagine how capable she is." Li Qiaomu looked at him mysteriously and said.

"Anyway, let's see about this matter. After these two days, your good niece will definitely be able to grow vegetables. Then you will know whether what I said today has anything to do with her?"

The lobsters on Li Dongsheng's side are getting bigger and bigger, and the supply of lobsters on Lijiacun's side is gradually decreasing.

For this matter, Li Dongsheng specially went to several villages next to Lijia Village for a walk, and signed an agreement to collect crayfish with the villagers of the next several villages.

Originally still hesitating, Brother Li and Second Brother Li saw that the younger brother really consumes so much lobster, so they finally decided to try to raise crayfish.

When Li Qiaomu found out about this, he made a special trip back to his mother's house to teach Brother Li and Brother Li about the farming skills of this lobster.

Of course, Li Qiaomu is also learning and raising now.

She specially asked Jian Haotian to go to a bookstore in the city to buy a book on how to raise lobsters, and then she studied hard for several nights before she came to learn and sell.

At this time, Brother Li and Second Brother Li touched the top of their heads with embarrassment after hearing what their little sister said.

"Little sister, if your second brother and I had read as much as you did back then, we wouldn't have bothered you so much." After listening to his younger sister's talk about how to raise lobsters, Li Dao The eldest brother is ashamed.

Li Qiaomu looked at the two embarrassed elder brothers and second elder brothers, and said to them with a smile, "It's not too late for you, elder brother and second brother, to study this book carefully. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask Chaoyang, or you can come and ask me."

Brother Li took it with a serious face.

At this moment, Second Brother Li looked at Li Qiaomu eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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