Chapter 346
Seeing this, Li Qiaomu smiled and said to him, "Second brother, do you want to ask about the pepper planting?"

Second brother Li had a blush on his dark face, and then he nodded a little embarrassedly, "Well, little sister, I also want to try the pepper planting you mentioned earlier, I discussed it with your second sister-in-law, I think we can try what you mentioned."

Hearing their decision, Li Qiaomu smiled happily for them, "Second brother, you and your second sister-in-law will definitely not make you regret this decision, so let's ask Jian Haotian to go to the bookstore to buy a book about agriculture. Planting books, we will study together when the time comes.”

When Second Brother Li heard this, he immediately nodded vigorously, "Okay, I'll listen to you, little sister."

After settling the matter with her two older brothers, Li Qiaomu suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure in the village when he rode his bicycle out of the village.

It was Jian Xiang.

Returning home with this doubt, Li Qiaomu saw the younger brother who had delivered the crayfish, so he called him over, "Do you have anything else to do today?"

Li Dongsheng shook his head, "I'm fine for now, what's the matter, sister, are you okay?"

Li Qiaomu told him to come closer, "Didn't I go back to my mother's house today? When I came back, I saw Jian Xiang in our village now."

When Li Dongsheng heard this name, his face was filled with displeasure, "What is she doing in our village? Her surname is not Li."

Li Qiaomu immediately gave him a thumbs up, "This is what I have always suspected. Her surname is not Li. What is she doing in Lijia Village? This is what I want you to do."

As soon as Li Dongsheng heard what his third sister said, he immediately realized what he meant, and patted his chest to promise, "I know how to do it, third sister, you can rest assured to leave this matter to me, I will definitely help you handle it properly. "

When Li Qiaomu heard his promise, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Okay, then the third sister will leave this matter to you."

Next, Li Qiaomu waited for his younger brother to inquire about the news and come back.

But before she heard the news of why Jian Xiang appeared in Lijia Village, the village head Jian came to the door first.

Seeing Village Chief Jian who came to the door again, Li Qiaomu said to him with an unsightly smile, "Village Chief, I have told you all about my experience in planting. If you come to me again to start planting I really can't come up with any experience to teach the big guys."

When Village Chief Jian heard that she had misunderstood the meaning of his coming, he quickly explained, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, you misunderstood, I am not here for a meeting this time, I am here because of a great event."

Li Qiaomu was aroused after hearing his explanation and what he said was a great thing, "Oh, what a great thing, village chief, let's hear it."

Village head Jian said with a smile on his face, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, the vegetables you grow have been valued by the higher-ups. The higher-ups want to send a reporter to build a harvesting workshop for you. They want you to talk about how you grow vegetables to make a fortune." things."

"Is this asking me to be published in the newspaper?" Li Qiaomu was a little stunned by this good news, with a face full of disbelief.

Village Chief Jian continued happily, "It's not the newspaper, and it's the newspaper in the provincial capital. Do you think it's a good thing?"

At this time, Li Qiaomu also slowly woke up from this great thing, "It's a great thing, but why did such a good thing happen to me, no matter how I calculate it, I can't qualify for it."

(End of this chapter)

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