Chapter 356
"I confiscated this newspaper. If you have nothing to do, go out and disturb my work." Jian Haotian quickly put away the newspaper in his hand, and issued an order to evict Zhou Shuheng in front of him.

Zhou Shuheng looked at the confiscated newspaper, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "Jian Ju, are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

At this moment, Jian Haotian stared at him without blushing, "So much nonsense, it seems that there are too few things recently, isn't it?"

When Zhou Shuheng heard this, he immediately shook his head, "No, no, I have a lot of things to do, so I'm going to get busy with my things now."

After speaking, he strode out of the office with the corner of his mouth raised.

Jian Haotian, who was buried in his work and pretended to be working, waited for the office door to close, and immediately raised his head to take out the newspaper he had just hidden and admire it carefully.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the photo in the newspaper, and there was a delicate tenderness in his eyes.

Li Qiaomu thought that the fact that she was published in the newspaper was just a trivial matter, but she didn't expect that as soon as the newspaper came out, the business of her vegetables and chickens would suddenly increase.

On the first day the newspaper came out, a group of people came to Jianjia Village to inquire about her green vegetables.

The villagers originally wanted to lure these people to their homes, but these guests identified Li Qiaomu who was in the newspaper.

So on this day, more than half of Li Qiaomu's vegetables and chickens were sold.

Even Li Dongsheng's crayfish has received several big orders.

Of course, some customers who didn't buy vegetables and chicken from Li Qiaomu also went to the village to buy from other people in the village.

Especially the second brother Jian's side, they sold a lot. Looking at the money they made this day, the smiles on the faces of the second brother Jian and his wife have not disappeared all day long.

That night, Second Brother Jian, Second Sister-in-law Jian and their two daughters came to the door with a plate of good food.

At that time, Li Qiaomu's family was also preparing to eat.

Seeing their family coming from the backyard, Li Qiaomu was a little surprised.

"Third brother and sister, your second brother and I are here to thank you. We killed a chicken specially and brought a plate of chicken to thank you." The second sister-in-law Jian stepped forward to explain with a look of embarrassment.

Upon hearing this, Li Qiaomu quickly invited them to the dinner table.

Her behavior made the second brother Jian and his wife feel embarrassed. In the end, the four of them still did not resist Li Qiaomu's invitation, and were stayed for dinner.

Halfway through the meal, the second brother Jian, who had drunk a little wine, grabbed Jian Haotian's hand with red eyes and started talking drunk, "Third brother, the second brother is really happy now, the second brother is really happy in his heart, so After many years, the second brother felt that he was a little exasperated this time."

Jian Haotian looked at his second brother who was crying while holding his hand, his expression was a bit indescribable. In his opinion, it was a bit embarrassing for a big man to cry like this.

However, because the person in front of him was his second brother, Jian Haotian had no choice but to coax the second brother who was crying like a child with an awkward expression, "Second brother, it's okay, don't cry, the hard days before The past has passed, and now the good days have come, rest assured, there will always be good days."

The second brother Jian continued to cry, with snot and tears in his eyes, his appearance was really ugly, "Sir brother, you are right, there will always be good days in the future."

Second Sister-in-law Jian's eyes turned red when she heard her man's words. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little nauseous. She wanted to bear it, but she couldn't help it. She covered her mouth and ran out to vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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