Chapter 357 Woke Up Late Again
Her movement startled everyone present.

In the end, it was Li Qiaoxin who spoke first, "Why does Second Sister-in-law Jian look like she is pregnant?"

As soon as she said those words, Second Brother Jian was stunned instantly.

"This, is this possible?" Second brother Jian stammered.

At this moment, Li Qiaomu narrowed his eyes, and then expressed his opinion, "I think it's possible, or else you can take your second sister to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow."

The second brother Jian immediately let out a sigh, and then kept his eyes fixed on the second sister-in-law Jian who was spitting water in the yard.

At night, Li Qiaomu came back to the room after taking a shower, and saw Jian Haotian sitting on the bed looking at the documents, so he told him to himself, "I think the second sister-in-law is really pregnant this time, I really hope she will be pregnant this time." Being able to give birth to a son, you don't know, the matter of this son has always been a lump in the hearts of the second brother and the second sister-in-law, although the couple have never mentioned it, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are still eager to have a son."

As he spoke, Li Qiaomu suddenly found a fiery gaze fixed on him from the other side of the bed.

She turned her head and realized that the man who was looking down at the document just now had left the document aside, and now he was staring at her with a pair of bottomless eyes.

Li Qiaomu's heart trembled when he stared at him like this, "Why, did I say something wrong?"

Jian Haotian didn't answer her immediately, but continued to stare at her with his deep eyes.

Just when Li Qiaomu was about to be unable to bear his trembling eyes, he finally heard his voice.

"Daughter-in-law, come over to my side." He took a picture of the empty seat beside him.

Although Li Qiaomu was puzzled, he walked to the seat next to him and sat down as he said.

As soon as she sat down, she was picked up by the air and cut into his arms.

"Scared me to death, what are you doing, hugging him without a word, your heart is about to be scared out of your head." After Li Qiaomu calmed down, he raised his hand angrily and patted his chest twice.

Jian Haotian smiled and looked at the daughter-in-law who was angry with him in front of him, and in the next second, both hands held her face, and the two looked at each other.

Li Qiaomu was confused by his sudden appearance.

"Daughter-in-law, I saw you in the newspaper today. You are so beautiful." He whispered in her ear.

It was rare for him to hear the man in front of him praise him so bluntly, Li Qiaomu suddenly felt his cheeks flushed on both sides.

"Of course it looks good. At that time, I had to dress up before I went to the workshop. If it didn't look good, wouldn't my preparation be for nothing?"

Looking at the shy daughter-in-law in front of him, Jian Haotian's heart moved, and the next second he hugged her and lay down on the big bed behind him.

The night was long, and this night, the young couple was in love again.

After the nonsense last night, Li Qiaomu was the last one in the family to wake up the next day.

For this phenomenon, the whole family seems to be accustomed to this phenomenon. If one day she wakes up early, this phenomenon will make them feel strange.

Being the last one to wake up, Li Qiaomu also became the one in the whole family who ate breakfast sooner or later.

At this time, she was the only one left in the quiet dining room eating the warm breakfast given to her by her family.

She had just finished eating halfway when she heard her younger brother Li Dongsheng shouting from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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