Chapter 359 Can It Be Done?

Speaking of this, Li Dongsheng had a smile on his face.

Seeing the joy on his face, Li Qiaomu was also happy for his younger brother.

Speaking of this, Li Dongsheng suddenly discussed with her seriously, "Sister, you said that my business is so prosperous, it can't always be called the name of Crayfish, right?"

After hearing his words, Li Qiaomu looked at him amusedly and asked, "What's the matter, what name do you have?"

Li Dongsheng straightened up immediately as soon as he thought about it, and said seriously, "Yes, I want to give my business a nice and famous name, what do you think?"

Hearing what he said, Li Qiaomu also felt that it was really inappropriate to keep calling him Crayfish.

So he nodded and said, "The question you raised is indeed a question. How about it, did you think of a name? Let's hear it."

Li Dongsheng immediately smiled embarrassedly, and then said a name with a blushing face, "It's a delicious crayfish, sister, what do you think of this name?"

Li Qiaomu always thought that his younger brother had thought of a nice name, but he didn't expect to hear such a special name.

"Sister, how's it going? Does it sound good?" Li Dongsheng asked impatiently when he couldn't get a response.

Li Qiaomu had an unspeakable expression, and he squeaked for a while before opening his mouth, "How should I put it, the name is a bit domineering, but this name seems a bit too common, otherwise we should think of another name Bar."

Upon hearing this, Li Dongsheng touched his chin and continued to think for a while.

"Sister, I thought of another name, what do you think of the name Dongsheng Spicy Crayfish?"

At this time, Li Qiaomu thought about the name he mentioned seriously, but felt that it sounded better than the last name.

"That's fine. It's related to your name, and it's easy to remember. I think it's good. Let's call it that." Li Qiaomu agreed.

Li Dongsheng, who was waiting for her answer, had a happy smile on his dark face after hearing her words.

"Okay, since you think this name is good, sister, it must be good. From now on, the name of the crayfish will be called Dongsheng Spicy Crayfish." Li Dongsheng said happily.

As soon as Dongsheng's affairs were selected, Li Qiaomu also began to prepare his next plan.

She planned to take advantage of the remaining heat of the newspaper and strike while the iron was hot to take her business to a higher level at this time.

At this time, she thought of running a farmhouse in Jian's village.

Of course, if she wants to run such a farmhouse in the village, she can't be sure by herself, and she has to be the head of the village to be sure about this matter.

That night, she first took this matter out and discussed it with the person next to her pillow.

At night, the young couple hadn't fallen asleep yet, so Li Qiaomu brought out the thought in his heart to discuss with him when the atmosphere in the room was just right.

"What do you think of my idea, can it be done?" After finishing speaking, seeing that the man beside him didn't express any opinions, she couldn't wait to ask him.

Jian Haotian was playing with a strand of her hair, and after hearing her idea, he thought about it for a while before he said, "The idea is pretty good, but it will cost a lot of money to run a farmhouse. The money we have on hand enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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